Pablo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not trying to annoying you. Just give you as much info as i can to
> solve the problem ( though that is my configuration error) 

  You're not listening to me.

  The problem is that the sample file has a typo.  I told you this.

  I can read the file, too.  So "giving me more information" by
posting it to the list without saying anything more than "here it is",
is pointless.

> Though you believe this is a radius expert users list and I'm wrong
> posting here.

  It's not a RADIUS expert users list.  It's a list for people who are
interested in solving their problems.  It's a list for people who are
willing to read answers.  It's a list for people who are willing to
think for themselves.

> Thats is half true. If everybody have enough knowledge about radius
> configurations , we no need this list.

  Since your response consists mostly of complaints, my conclusion is
that you don't want your problem solved.

  If you applied 10 seconds of thought to my response, you would see
what the problem is, and how to fix it.

  Alan DeKok.

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