"Walter Schulze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Please follow list etiquette and edit your quotes.

> the problem I am having is there is not someone in the Covad NOC who can 
> explain the configuration in the FreeRADIUS file they are trying to test 
> for.  They ask me for user/pw & shared secret.  With that and my server 
> address, they run authentication tests from their POP sites.  Each attempt 
> has failed because I do not know exactly what they are looking for to 
> successfully complete their tests.

  Let me ask another question, first: Are you at all familiar with RADIUS?

>   I assume something along the lines of 
> the below, but I am not sure.  Does it look right?
> client {
>   secret     = donttellanyone
>   shortname  = Covad_POP-1
>   vendor     = I do not know what to put here

  There is no "vendor" field.  I don't know where you got the idea
that there was one.

>   type       = tc
>   login      = !root
>   password   = changeme

  Those three fields are for controlling simultaneous login access.
You probably don't need them.

> Also, I am not clear on the difference between using a "client" entry and 
> using a "nas" entry.

  I have no idea where you got the idea that there was a "nas" entry.

  I think at least part of the problem is that you're confusing
yourself by inventing configurations the server doesn't understand.

  If you're at all familiar with RADIUS, the "clients.conf" file
should be easily understood.

  If you're not familiar with RADIUS, I suggest buying & reading the
O'Reilly book, and also reading the "clients.conf" file.  It contains
a wealth of documentation describing what fields exist, what they
mean, and what they're used for.

  Alan DeKok.

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