i currently have a radius server running cistron radius (an older version) 
that authenticates against the system's passwd/shadow file.  there are about 
8k users on the system and 6 RAS devices (ascend tnt's and max4000's).  i 
dont do anything fancy with attributes and dont track usage details or 
anything - just basically authenticate username/password and then the RAS 
gives the user an ip.

some of my passwords are md5, some are not (majority are md5).  of course, i 
dont have the passwords in plaintext anywhere.  the hardware is x86 running 
redhat linux. i currently use webmin to add/remove users.  

i would like to convert to freeradius but would like some feedback regarding 
my setup - is it doable?  what challenges/obstacles would i face?  im 
thinking the passwd/shadow files will be my biggest problem.  i would like to 
move to a mysql database for storing usernames/passwords as i could then 
write a management system in php for adding/removing users.  

i would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Chad Whitten
Network/Systems Administrator
neXband Communications
601-944-4801 Phone
601-944-4803 Fax

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