I am having some problems with using radclient to test some
modifications to the radiusd.

radclient -f testpacket -c 1000  -q acct s3cr3t

This only logs 256 accounting packets. I think it is to do with the
requestid looping.

This also does not work: 

n=1000;i=0; time while [ $i -lt $n ]; do d=$[n-i]; [ $d -lt 256
]||d=256;  radclient -f testpacket -c $d  -q acct s3cr3t;
echo $d $i $n; i=$[i+d]; done

In this case, only 256 packets are logged also (That is in the detail
file and in the sql accounting).

Does anyone have a quick hack to benchmark the radius server?

David Stanaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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