On Fri, 2 Jul 2004, Alan DeKok wrote:

> Lew A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To do this I had to setup some xlat functions, but we're having a problem.
> > If say we have a customer tester, he doesn't have any static assignments,
> > but he decided to connect to us with a P, it would return a static
> > assignment of (basically a null responce from ldap). Which
> > gets the user connected, but they can't do anything (obviously). We're
> > trying to avoid this.
>   My suggestion would be to put the users into groups, and reject them
> if they're not doing the right thing.
>   e.g.
> DEFAULT       Prefix == "P", Group != "allowed_to_use_p", Auth-Type := Reject
>       Reply-Message = "Go away"

Not sure that'll work, if I have a customer with 1 static ip (P) and a
subnet assigment (S), they will be able to connect with P and S, but not
Q. We're only using LDAP as the backend database, so I guess I'd have to
use Ldap-Group, but that doesn't let me have more than one
'allowed_to_use_X' value. So <customer> would only be able to use P or Q
or S (exclusively), but not any combination of them (inclusively).

Thank you,
Lew A
GWI Operations.

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