>   Which is exactly what I told you not to do.  I even told you why.
>   Go back and read my original post.  Implement the suggestions it
> contains.

I'm sorry but i don't know what you mean. Maybe i'm stupid or tired.
What i already set is:
1. files {....} moved before $INCLUDE eap.conf
2. In authorize section moved files before eap.

PEAP still working.

What else ?

In authorize statement i have hashed eap,sql.
User cannot authorize because no Auth-Type was specified.

So i make change to users. Now it is..
wds-ap Auth-Type := EAP, EAP-Type := LEAP

Blah....PEAP is working again..

>   Because you didn't do what I said.

Maybe i'm not understand freeradius settings like you because i'm not
developer and i know freeradius for about 3 days.

>   If you had run the server in debugging mode, you would see WHY
> setting EAP_Type in the "users" file doesn't work.

I don't see anythink specific for me therefore i have sent mail to you.

>   Stop telling me I'm wrong, and follow my suggestions.  I've done it,
> it works, and I don't see why you're wasting your time arguing with
> me.

I never told that. I just don't know what I must to do.
I'm trying..trying..trying....but it's only wasting time..

Can you please tell me exactly what I must to do ???

   Bc. Jan 'EIS' Satko       Slovak University of Agriculture
 network & system manager            Tr. A. Hlinku 2
  Tel: +421 37 7412 616           949 76 Nitra Slovakia

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