i do know what man pages are, I did set all of this up myself.  I'm new (6
months) to Linux but I'm able to figure stuff out with just a push in the
right direction...you could have said "RTFM" and I would have gotten the
hint. typing "man users" doesn't bring up anything about radius, it's about
the "users" command, which reports who's logged into the system.

"that doesn't change how the server works" - that's not very helpful,
sorry - my whole question was about how the server works becuase I DON'T
understand it and (sorry if I'm being repetitive) I was asking if there was
anywhere else I could look for enlightenment.  I guess the answer is "no".

I appreciate the time you've spent answering my questions.  I'll look
elsewhere for the answers I'm looking for.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: stupid question

> "Man Users" - What does that mean?  Manually added users?

  It means read the documentation for the "users" file in the system
"man" pages.

  Try typing "man users" on a command-line, and picking up an "intro
to Unix" book.  If you don't know what man pages are, you're missing a
LOT of the available documentation.

> I asked about the order that it looks at the tables because I thought that
> "radcheck" was for validation only.  However George's reply indicated that
> should put Auth-Type in "radcheck" - but to my current way of thinking
> "Auth-Type" is a a reply-type thing, not a validation-type thing...

  You cna think that way if you want, but that doesn't change how the
server works.

> after I put the "Auth-Type" entry into "radcheck" (it's the only
> entry in the whole database" I still get the following warning (2 auth
> types)in the debug screen:

  So read the rest of the debug log to see what else is going on.

> So is there no precise breakdown of which types of attributes (as in the
> users file on page 84 of the oreilly book) go in which SQL table and the
> order in which the tables are checked, including error conditions?


  Alan DeKok.

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