
Allow me to intrude on this, since this is related to a question I wanted to ask.

I used previously FreeRadius version 0.9.1. To be able to use Digest-MD5 authentication, I needed to change the file "rlm_digest.c" in directory:


The file was replaced by a patch file a colleague obtained from Michael Griego, who published the patch. Curently I'm using FreeRadius version 1.0.1, and I was expecting to find the code from the patch there, but it wasn't. So I added the patch file again. Without that patch file, Digest-MD5 authentication doesn't work.

My question is: why this patch file has not been added yet to FreeRadius, since its really needed ?

Thanks in advance,

Antonio Martinez

P.S.: For clarity, I have attached the patch file. Maybe Michael G. has a say on this.

--On Wednesday, November 24, 2004 09:17:02 AM -0500 Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

prabhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Does FreeRadius version 0.9.1 support draft-sterman-aaa-sip-00, an
extension to RADIUS for Digest authentication.

Did you look in radiusd.conf? The word "digest" appears there.

  See also "doc/rfc/draft-sterman-aaa-sip-00.txt".

  The information you're looking for is already in the server.

  Alan DeKok.

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 * rlm_chap.c
 * Version:  $Id: rlm_digest.c,v 1.5 2004/05/15 14:57:41 mgriego Exp $
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Copyright 2002  The FreeRADIUS server project
 * Copyright 2002  Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "autoconf.h"
#include "libradius.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "radiusd.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "conffile.h"
#include "rad_assert.h"
#include "md5.h"

static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: rlm_digest.c,v 1.5 2004/05/15 14:57:41 
mgriego Exp $";

static int digest_authorize(void *instance, REQUEST *request)
        VALUE_PAIR *vp;

        /* quiet the compiler */
        instance = instance;

         *      We need both of these attributes to do the authentication.
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_RESPONSE);
        if (vp == NULL) {
                return RLM_MODULE_NOOP;

         *      Check the sanity of the attribute.
        if (vp->length != 32) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: Received invalid Digest-Response attribute 
(length %d should be 32)", vp->length);
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

         *      We need these, too.
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_ATTRIBUTES);
        if (vp == NULL) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: Received Digest-Response without 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

         *      Loop through the Digest-Attributes, sanity checking them.
        DEBUG("    rlm_digest: Converting Digest-Attributes to something 
        while (vp) {
                int length = vp->length;
                int attrlen;
                uint8_t *p = &vp->strvalue[0];
                VALUE_PAIR *sub;

                 *      Until this stupidly encoded attribure is exhausted.
                while (length > 0) {
                         *      The attribute type must be valid
                        if ((p[0] == 0) || (p[0] > 10)) {
                                DEBUG("ERROR: Received Digest-Attributes with 
invalid sub-attribute %d", p[0]);
                                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

                        attrlen = p[1]; /* stupid VSA format */

                         *      Too short.
                        if (attrlen < 3) {
                                DEBUG("ERROR: Received Digest-Attributes with 
short sub-attribute %d, of length %d", p[0], attrlen);
                                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

                         *      Too long.
                        if (attrlen > length) {
                                DEBUG("ERROR: Received Digest-Attributes with 
long sub-attribute %d, of length %d", p[0], attrlen);
                                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

                         *      Create a new attribute, broken out of
                         *      the stupid sub-attribute crap.
                         *      Didn't they know that VSA's exist?
                        sub = paircreate(PW_DIGEST_REALM - 1 + p[0],
                        if (!sub) {
                                return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* out of memory */
                        memcpy(&sub->strvalue[0], &p[2], attrlen - 2);
                        sub->strvalue[attrlen - 2] = '\0';
                        sub->length = attrlen - 2;

                        if (debug_flag) {
                          vp_print(stdout, sub);

                         *      And add it to the request pairs.
                        pairadd(&request->packet->vps, sub);
                        //pairadd(&request->packet->vps, sub);

                         *      FIXME: Check for the existence
                         *      of the necessary attributes!

                        length -= attrlen;
                        p += attrlen;
                } /* loop over this one attribute */

                 *      Find the next one, if it exists.
                vp = pairfind(vp->next, PW_DIGEST_ATTRIBUTES);

         *      Everything's OK, add a digest authentication type.
        if (pairfind(request->config_items, PW_AUTHTYPE) == NULL) {
                DEBUG("rlm_digest: Adding Auth-Type = DIGEST");
                        pairmake("Auth-Type", "DIGEST", T_OP_EQ));

#if 0
        DEBUG("rlm_digest: Adding Digest-In reply!! = DIGEST");
                        pairmake("Digest-Response", "TESTING", T_OP_EQ));
        return RLM_MODULE_OK;

 *      Convert a string in hex to one in binary
static void hex2bin(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in)
        unsigned int tmp;

        while (*in) {
                sscanf(in, "%02x", &tmp);
                *out = tmp;
                in += 2;

char *md5(char *string)
        MD5_CTX context;
        unsigned char digest[16];
        static char output[33];
        int i;

        MD5Update(&context, string, strlen(string));
        MD5Final(digest, &context);

        memset(output, 0, 33);
        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                sprintf(output + (i * 2), "%02x", ((unsigned char) digest[i]));

        return output;

#define HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE 33

 *      Perform all of the wondrous variants of digest authentication.
static int digest_authenticate(void *instance, REQUEST *request)
        int i, len;
        int a1_len, a2_len, kd_len;
        char           temp_nonce[33];
        unsigned long  unonce;
        uint8_t a1[(MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) * 5]; /* can be 5 attributes */
        uint8_t a2[(MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) * 3]; /* can be 3 attributes */
        uint8_t kd[(MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) * 5];
        uint8_t kd1[(MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) * 5];
        uint8_t hash[16];       /* MD5 output */
        uint8_t hash1[16];      /* MD5 output */
        VALUE_PAIR *vp;
        VALUE_PAIR *qop, *nonce, *cnonce, *noncecount;

        char final_res_str[HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE];
        char cA2[HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE];
        char *A2Fmt = "%s:%s",*String, *ChallRespFmt = 
        char *A1Fmt = ":%s:%lu",  *A11, A1[33];
         *      We require access to the plain-text password.
        vp = pairfind(request->config_items, PW_PASSWORD);
        if (!vp) {
                radlog(L_AUTH, "rlm_digest: Configuration item 
\"User-Password\" is required for authentication.");
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

         *      We require access to the Digest-Nonce-Value
        nonce = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_NONCE);
        if (!nonce) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-Nonce: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

         *      A1 = Digest-User-Name ":" Realm ":" Password
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_USER_NAME);
        if (!vp) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-User-Name: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
        memcpy(&a1[0], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
        a1_len = vp->length;

        a1[a1_len] = ':';

        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_REALM);
        if (!vp) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-Realm: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
        memcpy(&a1[a1_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
        a1_len += vp->length;

        a1[a1_len] = ':';

        vp = pairfind(request->config_items, PW_PASSWORD);
        if (!vp) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No User-Password: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
        memcpy(&a1[a1_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
        a1_len += vp->length;

        a1[a1_len] = '\0';
        DEBUG2("A1 = %s", a1);
        DEBUG2("a1_len = %d", a1_len);

        A11 = (char *) malloc(a1_len);
        memset(A11, 0, a1_len);
        memcpy(&A11[0], &a1[0], a1_len);

        DEBUG2("sending A11 = %s", A11);

        strncpy(A1, md5(A11), HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE);
        DEBUG2("sending A1 = %s", A1);

         *      See which variant we calculate.
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_ALGORITHM);
        if ((vp != NULL) &&
            (strcasecmp(vp->strvalue, "MD5-sess") == 0)) {
                librad_md5_calc(hash, &a1[0], a1_len);
                memcpy(&a1[0], hash, 16);
                a1_len = 16;

                a1[a1_len] = ':';

                memcpy(&a1[a1_len], &nonce->strvalue[0], nonce->length);
                /* memcpy(&temp_nonce[a1_len], &nonce->strvalue[0], 
                /* unonce = strtoul(&nonce->strvalue[0], temp_nonce, 16);*/

                a1_len += nonce->length; 
                a1[a1_len] = ':';
                vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_CNONCE);
                memcpy(&a1[a1_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
                a1_len += vp->length; 
                 *      Tack on the Digest-Nonce
#if 0
                hex2bin(&a1[a1_len], &nonce->strvalue[0]);
                a1_len += (nonce->length >> 1); /* FIXME: CHECK LENGTH */

                a1[a1_len] = ':';

                vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_CNONCE);
                if (!vp) {
                  DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-CNonce: Cannot perform Digest 
                  return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

                hex2bin(&a1[a1_len], &vp->strvalue[0]);
                a1_len += (vp->length >> 1); /* FIXME: CHECK LENGTH */
        DEBUG2("A1 = %s", a1);

        } else if ((vp != NULL) &&
                   (strcasecmp(vp->strvalue, "MD5") != 0)) {
                 *      We check for "MD5-sess" and "MD5".
                 *      Anything else is an error.
                DEBUG("ERROR: Unknown Digest-Algorithm \"%s\": Cannot perform 
Digest authentication", vp->strvalue);
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

         *      A2 = Digest-Method ":" Digest-URI
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_METHOD);
        if (!vp) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-Method: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
        memcpy(&a2[0], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
        a2_len = vp->length;

        a2[a2_len] = ':';

        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_URI);
        if (!vp) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-URI: Cannot perform Digest 
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
        memcpy(&a2[a2_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
        a2_len += vp->length;

        DEBUG("rlm_digest: Beginging of adventure..");

        memset(cA2, 0, sizeof(cA2));
        len = strlen(A2Fmt) + strlen(HEX_STR_TSP_PROTOCOL_AUTHENTICATE) 
              + vp->length + 1 ;

        if ((String = malloc(len)) == NULL) 
        snprintf(String, len, A2Fmt, "", &vp->strvalue[0]);
        strncpy(cA2, String, HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE);

        DEBUG2("cA2 = %s", cA2);
#if 0
        cnonce = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_NONCE_COUNT);
        DEBUG2("cnonce->length = %d", cnonce->length);
        DEBUG2("cnonce->strvalue = %s", cnonce->strvalue);
        noncecount = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_NONCE_COUNT);
        DEBUG2("noncecount->length = %d", noncecount->length);
        DEBUG2("noncecount->strvalue = %s", noncecount->strvalue);
        qop = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_QOP);
        DEBUG2("qop->length = %d", qop->length);
        DEBUG2("qop->strvalue = %s", qop->strvalue);

        len = strlen(ChallRespFmt) + 32 /* md5(A1) */ 
              + nonce->length + 16 /*cnonce->length*/ + qop->length 
              + 32 /* md5(A2) */ + 1 /* \n */;
        DEBUG2("len = %d", len);

        if ((String = malloc(len)) == NULL)
       unonce = strtoul(&cnonce->strvalue[0], temp_nonce, 16);
        DEBUG2("unonce- = %lu", unonce);

       /* *ChallRespFmt = "%s:%s:00000001:%lu:%s:%s";*/
        printf(ChallRespFmt, A1, &nonce->strvalue[0], unonce, 
                  qop->strvalue, cA2);

        snprintf(String, len, ChallRespFmt, a1, &nonce->strvalue[0],
                  qop->strvalue, cA2);
        strncpy(final_res_str, md5(String), HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE);

        DEBUG2("final str = %s", final_res_str);

        DEBUG("rlm_digest: Adding Digest-In reply!! = DIGEST");
                        pairmake("Digest-Response",final_res_str , T_OP_EQ));


         *  QOP is "auth-int", tack on ": Digest-Body-Digest"
        qop = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_QOP);
        if ((qop != NULL) &&
            (strcasecmp(qop->strvalue, "auth-int") == 0)) {
                VALUE_PAIR *body;

                 *      Add in Digest-Body-Digest
                a2[a2_len] = ':';

                 *  Must be a hex representation of an MD5 digest.
                body = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_BODY_DIGEST);
                if (!body) {
                        DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-Body-Digest: Cannot perform 
Digest authentication");
                        return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

                rad_assert(body->length == 32); /* FIXME: check in 'auth' */
                hex2bin(&a2[a2_len], &body->strvalue[0]);
                a2_len += (body->length >> 1);

        } else if ((qop != NULL) &&
                   (strcasecmp(qop->strvalue, "auth") != 0)) {
                DEBUG("ERROR: Unknown Digest-QOP \"%s\": Cannot perform Digest 
authentication", qop->strvalue);
                return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

        a2[a2_len] = '\0';
        DEBUG2("A2 = %s", a2);

         *     KD = H(A1) : Digest-Nonce ... : H(A2)
        librad_md5_calc(&hash[0], &a1[0], a1_len);

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                sprintf(&kd[i * 2], "%02x", hash[i]);

#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag) {
                printf("H(A1) = ");
                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        printf("%02x", hash[i]);
        kd_len = 32;

        kd[kd_len] = ':';

        memcpy(&kd[kd_len], nonce->strvalue, nonce->length);
        kd_len += nonce->length;

         *      No QOP defined.  Do RFC 2069 compatibility.
        if (!qop) {
                 *      Do nothing here.

        } else {                /* Digest-QOP MUST be "auth" or "auth-int" */
                 *      Tack on ":" Digest-Nonce-Count ":" Digest-CNonce
                 *             ":" Digest-QOP
                kd[kd_len] = ':';

                vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_NONCE_COUNT);
                if (!vp) {
                        DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-Nonce-Count: Cannot perform 
Digest authentication");
                        return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
                memcpy(&kd[kd_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
                kd_len += vp->length;

                kd[kd_len] = ':';

                vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_CNONCE);
                if (!vp) {
                        DEBUG("ERROR: No Digest-CNonce: Cannot perform Digest 
                        return RLM_MODULE_INVALID;
                memcpy(&kd[kd_len], &vp->strvalue[0], vp->length);
                kd_len += vp->length;

                kd[kd_len] = ':';

                memcpy(&kd[kd_len], &qop->strvalue[0], qop->length);
                kd_len += qop->length;

         *      Tack on ":" H(A2)
        kd[kd_len] = ':';
#if 1
        memcpy(kd1, kd, kd_len);
        kd1[kd_len] = ':';
        librad_md5_calc(&hash1[0], &cA2[0], strlen(cA2));


        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                sprintf(&kd1[kd_len + (i * 2)], "%02x", hash1[i]);

        DEBUG2("KD1 = %s\n", &kd1[0]);
        memset(final_res_str, 0, sizeof(final_res_str));
        strncpy(final_res_str, md5(kd1), HEX_AUTH_MD5_STR_SIZE);
        DEBUG2("final str = %s", final_res_str);
        librad_md5_calc(&hash[0], &a2[0], a2_len);

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                sprintf(&kd[kd_len + (i * 2)], "%02x", hash[i]);

#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag) {
                printf("H(A2) = ");
                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        printf("%02x", hash[i]);
        kd_len += 32;

        kd[kd_len] = 0;

        DEBUG2("KD = %s\n", &kd[0]);

        kd1[kd_len] = 0;
        DEBUG2("again KD1 = %s\n", &kd1[0]);

         *      Take the hash of KD.
        librad_md5_calc(&hash[0], &kd[0], kd_len);
        memcpy(&kd[0], &hash[0], 16);

        librad_md5_calc(&hash1[0], &kd1[0], kd_len);
        memcpy(&kd1[0], &hash1[0], 16);
        DEBUG("rlm_digest: Adding Digest-In reply!! = DIGEST");
                        pairmake("Digest-Response",final_res_str , T_OP_EQ));

         *      Get the binary value of Digest-Response
        vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_DIGEST_RESPONSE);
        rad_assert(vp != NULL);

        hex2bin(&hash[0], &vp->strvalue[0]);

#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (debug_flag) {
                printf("EXPECTED ");
                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        printf("%02x", kd[i]);

                printf("RECEIVED ");
                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        printf("%02x", hash[i]);

         *  And finally, compare the digest in the packet with KD.
        if (memcmp(&kd[0], &hash[0], 16) == 0) {
                return RLM_MODULE_OK;

        DEBUG("rlm_digest: FAILED authentication");
        return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

 *      The module name should be the only globally exported symbol.
 *      That is, everything else should be 'static'.
 *      If the module needs to temporarily modify it's instantiation
 *      data, the type should be changed to RLM_TYPE_THREAD_UNSAFE.
 *      The server will then take care of ensuring that the module
 *      is single-threaded.
module_t rlm_digest = {
        0,                              /* type */
        NULL,                           /* initialization */
        NULL,                           /* instantiation */
                digest_authenticate,    /* authentication */
                digest_authorize,       /* authorization */
                NULL,                   /* preaccounting */
                NULL,                   /* accounting */
                NULL,                   /* checksimul */
                NULL,                   /* pre-proxy */
                NULL,                   /* post-proxy */
                NULL                    /* post-auth */
        NULL,                           /* detach */
        NULL,                           /* destroy */

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