"L.C. (Laurentiu C. Badea)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3) "authorize"/"authorization" for restrictions on validated users.
> 4) "post-auth" to allocate IPs and add other attributes to the reply

  There's no reason to separate those two sections.  They're exactly
the same thing.

> 5) "post-request" for logging and cleanup. Ideally this would be
> called after the reply has been sent (hence the name) because there
> is no point to make the client wait while we prepare the logs.

  That's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure where it would be useful.
Do you have examples?

> I would also call "instantiate" -> "preload" because according to
> the summary it loads the specified modules before any others.

  Sure, it doesn't matter too much.

> As for the implementing the actual change, perhaps planned obsolescence and 
> config file versions can help if you decide to go ahead with it. Or maybe a 
> radically different approach (XML ?).

  XML is impossible for the average human to edit.

  Alan DeKok.

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