
Now that's a complicated script. How about

pstree | grep radiusd || /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd restart

and putting that into cron (it is even small enough to be able to execute it 
every minute). Much simpler because it only checks if the server crashed by 
looking if the process is still there. Well, it skips the 8-second debug mode 
(why is that there anyway?) and doesn't log into /var/log/radtest.log. But 
you can see that the server was restarted anyway 
in /var/log/radius/radius.log.


Stefan Winter

> #!/bin/bash
> RESULT=`/usr/local/bin/radtest UserName PassWord localhost 1 testing123 |
> grep "Access-Accept" | wc -l`
> if [ $RESULT = "0" ]
> then
> d=`date`
> echo "$d" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> echo "Stopping Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd stop
> sleep 2
> echo "Starting Radius in Debug Mode" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> /usr/local/sbin/radiusd -X &
> sleep 8
> echo "Killing Debug Mode Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> kill `ps axf | grep radiusd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
> sleep 2
> echo "Starting Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd start
> echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log
> fi


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Ingénieur réseau et système

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