Benoît Bianchi wrote:
As you suggest I have already search on the Web for an answer to my trouble,
anyway there wasn't...

I never told you to go away and search for the answer yourself... I told you that if you run the server in DEBUG mode you'll see what it is doing, and hopefully where the results differ from what you expect.

I've also used radiusd -XA to see what was happening and I saw the server
getting the request, bind to the LDAP server to validate password and
sending back accept packet ...

You didn't tell us that - you just gave us part of your configuration and said it doesn't work. We can't read your mind dude, thats why the documentation and the list continue to tell people to run the server in debug mode and post the results to the list if they are still having trouble... it really is the simplest way to see what is going "wrong"...

It is a fact that this list is too verbose but I think, Michael, that you're not helping to solve that this way.

Sorry you feel that way. I believe the best way to help people is to teach them how to help themselves.

"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man how to fish and he'll buy an ugly hat..."

Learning how freeRADIUS works goes a long way to solving problems with the server when they arise. Running the server in DEBUG mode is one of the fastest ways of discovering what processing the server performs on the requests it receives... It is also by far the fastest way of diagnosing problems - especially when you're asking the list for help...

Glad to hear you got it working.


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