On Mon 08 Jan 2007 16:19, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Tomas Hoger wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 01, 1970 at 12:00:00AM +0000, Alan DeKok wrote:
> >>   Version 1.1.4 has been released, with a few notable improvements.
> >
> > Is there good reason for not updating rlm_perl?  Version in 1.1.4 is
> > " 2006/04/27" (same as in 1.1.3 and 1.1.2), even though CVS
> > contains version "1.45 2006/12/04" with some fixes / improvements.  Are
> > those changes considered unstable?
>   No, but the CVS head has a *huge* number of changes over 1.1.4.  So
> rlm_perl is just one minor piece that hasn't been "upgraded".

Yep. rlm_sqlippool and rlm_sql_postgresql are 2 other modules which have huge 
changes in them.. Is it worth me spending some time tonight backporting them 
or should we just wait for 2.0? (sqlippool seems to be getting quite some 
interest of late)



Peter Nixon
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