Hello Sir,

But the issue is you have written the Chinese charter directly
in place of user name rather than writing its equivalent UTF-8 into users
file as said by you.
"現年快樂"  Auth-Type := Accept

My doubt is How can I write UTF-8 encoded (may be HEX form) in users file.

Because I have did the same in place of Chinese I have
written the hex equivalent of ∞ infinity symbol which is also
a multilingual character in place of username and sent the request
hex equivalent of UTF-8 of ∞ infinity symbol.

Kindly correct me If i am wrong.
-Karnik jain

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:25 PM, James J J Hooper

> --On 04 February 2011 22:02 +0530 karnik jain <karnik.j...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi Alan,
>> I have written multilingual character *∞ *directly in RADIUS server's
>> *users file.*
>> without encoding it into UTF-8.
>> *
>> *
>> Do I need to write Username in *user file of RADIUS server *after
>> converting it
>> into UTF-8 to make the *whole thing work*?
>> If Yes then How can I write UTF-8 characters into *users file of RADIUS
>> server.*
>> Do I need to write directly the *HEX of encoded characters* or some other
>> way
>> into the *users file of RADIUS server as shown in attached users file of
>> RADIUS server*?
>> *
>> *
>> I have double check that the UTF-8 Encoder of mine is working fine.
>> Multilingual character = ∞  (infinity symbol)  is having equivalent
>> form in HEX = *0xe2889e*
>> and UTF-8 encoding of *0xe2889e* is = *0xf8 0xb8 0xa2 0x9e.*
>> *Can any one please look into to above issue *
>> *and guide me How can I configure the files of free RADIUS server *
>> *to use USER-NAME field other than **US-ASCII like *
>> *Chinese etc.?*
>> *
>> *
>> *Regards,*
>> *Karnik jain*
> Hi Karnik,
>  If you put UTF in the users file and UTF in the User-Name in the radius
> request it will work. For example:
> users:
> "現年快樂"  Auth-Type := Accept
> ...and then testing it:
> echo 'User-Name = "現年快樂"' | radclient -x auth SECRET
> Sending Access-Request of id 161 to port 16010
>        User-Name = "現年快樂"
> rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 16010, id=161,
> length=20
> Regards,
>  James
> --
> James J J Hooper
> Network Specialist
> Information Services
> University of Bristol
> http://www.wireless.bristol.ac.uk
> --
> -
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