Hello Sir,

 Uh... nonsense.
>  You can't write chinese characters in ASCII.  You need to write them
> in another encoding, such as UTF-8.
*SOrry for giving half information Sir,*
I even know that I can't write the Chinese characters in ASCII.
You have misunderstood me totally sir over here.
But the thing is like I just want to know that
If I write "現年快樂" just by doing copy paste to users file
then will the things gonna work ?

> users:
> > "現年快樂"  Auth-Type := Accept
> >
> > My doubt is How can I write UTF-8 encoded (may be HEX form) in users
> file.
>   You keep saying "hex form".  I have no idea what that means, and I
> suspect, neither do you.
As far as the HEX form is concern I mean to say that
How that character is internally stored in memory.
It has to be in binary form ri8?
So You an also interprete as equivalent HEX.
*A character *stored in binary as 101001 in memory
and HEX equivalent is = 0x29
Same *B* character stored in binary in memory as 101010
and HEX equivalent is = 0x292A.

I am asking is
I have sored ∞ character in
unsigned int array like following in my RADIUS client
for sending it to FREE RADIUS server.

unsigned int array[0] = '∞';

and I have seen its hex equivalent form
by just using
printf("HEX form: 0x%x\n",array[0]);

I got the print as: *E2 88 9E*
*That's I am not able to understand that How automatically*
*'∞' symbol is stored in memory in its equivalent UTF-8 form: **E2 88 9E*
*Who does the conversion, EDITER in linux or Keybord Driver *
*itself converts to UTF-8 form?*

> Because I have did the same in place of Chinese I have
> > written the hex equivalent of ∞ infinity symbol which is also
> > a multilingual character in place of username and sent the request
> > containing
> > hex equivalent of UTF-8 of ∞ infinity symbol.
>   No.  You write the UTF-8 characters, and it will work.
>    Your insistence on using some non-existent "hex equivalent" is why it
> doesn't work.
By Saying write in UTF-8 charcters that means do
I need to simply write in users file like following.?

*users: *
 "∞"  Auth-Type := Accept
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