karnik jain wrote:
> But the issue is you have written the Chinese charter directly
> in place of user name rather than writing its equivalent UTF-8 into
> users file as said by you.

  Uh... nonsense.

  You can't write chinese characters in ASCII.  You need to write them
in another encoding, such as UTF-8.

> users:
> "現年快樂"  Auth-Type := Accept
> My doubt is How can I write UTF-8 encoded (may be HEX form) in users file.

  You keep saying "hex form".  I have no idea what that means, and I
suspect, neither do you.

> Because I have did the same in place of Chinese I have
> written the hex equivalent of ∞ infinity symbol which is also
> a multilingual character in place of username and sent the request
> containing
> hex equivalent of UTF-8 of ∞ infinity symbol.

  No.  You write the UTF-8 characters, and it will work.

  Your insistence on using some non-existent "hex equivalent" is why it
doesn't work.

  Alan DeKok.
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