>  >
> >> Anything else?
> >>
> >
> > Fix those regressions we have? We do have many of them.
> >


Some personal things, that is preventing me from using 1.0 (still using 0.9
except for testing the current state of things).

* Clipboard: Copying text from server and pasting on client is not
possible, unless if it is pure text, that is copy from firefox, or visual
studio gives rtf data among other things ... and that can not be pasted in
taking this data, pasting in winword and then copy the same data again it
is possible to paste in kwrite.

* Keyboard auto detection. i would rather skip adding -k 0x41D and have the
client do autodetect as in 0.9 Any specific reason for it not being added
yet (other then time)?

* Minimal graphic issues (listviewitem selection drawing)

Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
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