
I have been working on continuing the wiki migration to github lately in
prevision of the 1.0 release. I had one big problem which I solved: the
GitHub wiki system does not allow you to upload images while editing an
article. You need to clone the git repository of the wiki, add your image,
and then push it before you can make use of it. This issue lead me to
reconsider how we were going to proceed further with the GitHub wiki system.

Here's what I figured out:

The GitHub wiki system is git-backed, which is a great feature. What this
provides is a powerful way of doing offline editing of wiki articles, so
why not work offline on the wiki and consider the wiki like any other git
repository. This allows for easy addition of new images (the repository is
local) and also means that you can work on the wiki without an internet
connection. DokuWiki would allow one user at a time to edit an article. Git
does not suffer from such limitations. For offline editing, we need a good
editor. Unfortunately, github markdown has poor third-party tool support,
so I had to look into the alternative markup languages supported. One of
them which looked fairly common and supported by a wide range of
third-party tools was Textile, so I gave it a shot and I like it.

There are many editors with Textile support out there, but I am using the
Mylyn WikiText plugin for Eclipse. It allows me to have a "FreeRDP.wiki"
project inside my Eclipse namespace right beside the actual FreeRDP
project. I can edit textile documents within Eclipse and preview the
results instantly, it's pretty good. One can also just edit locally without
explicit support from an editor, the markup is fairly straightforward.
Here's a screenshot:

When editing online, make sure to use the "Textile" editing mode. I haven't
found any option to create new articles as "textile", so unless there is
such an option I would recommend editing the wiki offline and creating
*.textile articles instead.

I have migrated a good portion of the wiki already, so we should soon be
able to deprecate the older one for good.

- Marc-Andre
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