Dear list,


with the help from your irc channel (thank you awakecoding) I have been able to 
build wfreerdp using visual C in a few minutes, whereas It took me more than I 
day when I tried on my own.. So I wrote up what I had to do in the wiki:


Can somebody enlighten me on a few questions, before I spend days for nothing 


* What is the status on multimedia redirection on windows? Do I need a ffmpeg 
port for visual C for it to work?


* What is the status on the plugins? I see they were not build. I managed to 
build printer.dll and rdpdr.lib quite easy. I think I could make smartcard.dll 
build with little effort, but disk.dll seems more work. I would very much like 
to build these. Can anybody guide put me on the right track for these? I would 
feedback my changes to you for inclusion



Thank you for your time!





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