Yes, I already have the support libs:

Android SDK manager shows Rev 20

And I found it installed here:

    $ ls  $ANDROID_SDK/extras/android/compatibility/v7/appcompat
    AndroidManifest.xml  libs  README.txt  res  src

On 07/13/2014 12:11 PM, Armin Novak wrote:
> appcompat is part of the sdk support libraries, check that they are installed.
> On 13 July 2014 18:04:00 CEST, Gerry Reno <> wrote:
>     This OpenSLES issue was fixed by making sure that the default NDK api is 
> set to 9 inside the updated
>     AndroidToolchain.cmake file.
>     So now cmake configures things.
>     And make successfully builds the libraries necessary for building the 
> apk's under client/Android.
>     But there is now a problem with appcompat_v7.
>     When I run 'ant debug' in aFreeRDP I see this:
>         aFreeRDP]$ ant debug
>         Buildfile: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/build.xml
>         -set-mode-check:
>         -set-debug-files:
>         -check-env:
>          [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 23.0.0
>          [checkenv] Installed at /usr/local/android-sdk-linux_x86
>         -setup:
>              [echo] Project Name: aFreeRDP
>           [gettype] Project Type: Application
>         -set-debug-mode:
>         -debug-obfuscation-check:
>         -pre-build:
>         -build-setup:
>         [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 20.0.0
>              [echo] Resolving Build Target for aFreeRDP...
>         [gettarget] Project Target:   Android 4.0
>         [gettarget] API level:        14
>              [echo] ----------
>              [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/res
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/rsObj
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/rsLibs
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/gen
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/classes
>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/dexedLibs
>              [echo] ----------
>              [echo] Resolving Dependencies for aFreeRDP...
>         BUILD FAILED
>         /usr/local/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/ant/build.xml:577: 
> ../appcompat_v7 resolve to a path with no
> file for project 
> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/FreeRDPCore
>         Total time: 1 second
>     And when I look under client/Android/appcompat_v7  it is empty directory.
>     Either this library reference in is not right or there 
> needs to be content added under appcompat_v7.
>     On 07/11/2014 04:48 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>         According to comments in the file, it appears that 
> cmake/FindOpenSLES.cmake looks for certain sound header
>         files like dsound.h and OpenSLES.h to determine whether OpenSLES is 
> found: dsound.h is not found anywhere but
>         OpenSLES.h is found FreeRDP]$ find /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d -iname 
> "dsound.h" FreeRDP]$ find /usr -iname
>         "dsound.h" FreeRDP]$ find /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d -iname 
> "opensles.h"
> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-mips/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-x86/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>  ... Since dsound.h is not
>         found that appears to be causing the cmake to fail. But I didn't find 
> dsound.h in any NDK. So is this right?
>         On 07/11/2014 04:07 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>             So even when this change is applied to 
> scripts/ <> we still have
>             two errors remaining: FreeRDP]$ cmake 
> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/AndroidToolchain.cmake
>             -DANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK" 
> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl"
> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/jpeg8d" 
> find PkgConfig (missing:
>             PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- FreeRDP GIT-dirty -- Git Revision 
> 1.2.0-beta1+android7-302-gc99d4 -- Performing
>             Test Wno-unused-result -- Performing Test Wno-unused-result - 
> Success -- Performing Test
>             Wno-unused-but-set-variable -- Performing Test 
> Wno-unused-but-set-variable - Success -- Performing Test
>             Wno-deprecated-declarations -- Performing Test 
> Wno-deprecated-declarations - Success -- Performing Test
>             Wno-deprecated-declarationsCXX -- Performing Test 
> Wno-deprecated-declarationsCXX - Success -- Looking for
>             include file fcntl.h -- Looking for include file fcntl.h - found 
> -- Looking for include file unistd.h --
>             Looking for include file unistd.h - found -- Looking for include 
> file stdint.h -- Looking for include file
>             stdint.h - found -- Looking for include file inttypes.h -- 
> Looking for include file inttypes.h - found --
>             Looking for include file sys/modem.h -- Looking for include file 
> sys/modem.h - not found. -- Looking for
>             include file sys/filio.h -- Looking for include file sys/filio.h 
> - not found. -- Looking for include file
>             sys/strtio.h -- Looking for include file sys/strtio.h - not 
> found. -- Looking for include file
>             sys/select.h -- Looking for include file sys/select.h - found -- 
> Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF --
>             Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF - Success -- Looking for 
> pthread_tryjoin_np in pthread -- Looking for
>             pthread_tryjoin_np in pthread - not found -- Looking for include 
> file sys/eventfd.h -- Looking for include
>             file sys/eventfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file 
> sys/eventfd.h -- Looking for include file
>             sys/eventfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file 
> sys/timerfd.h -- Looking for include file
>             sys/timerfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file poll.h -- 
> Looking for include file poll.h - found
>             -- Skipping disabled feature X11 for X11 (X11 client and server) 
> -- Skipping disabled feature DirectFB for
>             DirectFB (DirectFB client) -- Finding required feature ZLIB for 
> compression (data compression) -- Found
>             ZLIB: 
> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib/ 
> <> (found version
>             "1.2.3") -- Finding required feature OpenSSL for cryptography 
> (encryption, certificate validation, hashing
>             functions) -- Found OpenSSL:
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl/lib/libssl.a;/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a
>             (found version "1.0.1h") -- Finding required feature OpenSLES for 
> multimedia (OpenSLES audio / video) --
>             Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- 
> Could NOT find OPENSLES (missing:
> cmake/FindOpenSLES.cmake:32 (message): Could NOT
>             find OPENSLES Call Stack (most recent call first): 
> cmake/FindFeature.cmake:16 (find_package)
>             CMakeLists.txt:501 (find_feature) -- Configuring incomplete, 
> errors occurred! I have pkg-config installed
>             so I don't understand the pkg-config error: FreeRDP]$ which 
> pkg-config /usr/bin/pkg-config And OpenSLES is
>             in the NDK so I don't understand this error either: FreeRDP]$ 
> find $ANDROID_NDK -iname "*sles*" -follow
>             /usr/local/android-ndk/docs/opensles
> /usr/local/android-ndk/tests/build/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration
> /usr/local/android-ndk/tests/build/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration/jni/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration.c
> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES
> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h
> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>  ... On 07/11/2014 12:53
>             PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>                 Can someone apply this patch to FreeRDP master: FreeRDP]$ git 
> diff scripts/
>                 <> diff --git 
> a/scripts/ <>
>                 b/scripts/ <> index 
> d8d6e8d..8a4208e 100755 ---
>                 a/scripts/ <> +++ 
> b/scripts/
>                 <> @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ echo "Preparing OpenSSL..." 
> OPENSSL_SRC=$ROOT/openssl-build if [ -d
>                 $OPENSSL_SRC ]; then cd $OPENSSL_SRC - git pull + git 
> checkout 1.0.1h + git pull origin 1.0.1h
>                 RETVAL=$? else git clone $OPENSSL_SCM $OPENSSL_SRC @@ -58,7 
> +59,7 @@ fi cd $OPENSSL_SRC # We want to
>                 build a specific TAG -git checkout $OPENSSL_TAG +# git 
> checkout $OPENSSL_TAG make clean With this
>                 change I can get openssl-android pulled in and building 
> correctly while master is being reconfigured.
>                 Notice I had to remove the git checkout $OPENSSL_TAG because 
> it blows out the changes that were made
>                 to <>. If 
> there's a better way please do it. Maybe
>                 updating the tag. But then it would need updated for every 
> change or new tag defined. On 07/11/2014
>                 10:04 AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>                     Thanks for adding r9d test but it needs modified. It gets 
> incorrectly set back to r9c because the
>                     script has r9d tested before r9c and so it resets back to 
> r9c. also how about this for setting
>                     ARCH and the PATH? : for i in linux darwin do 
> ARCH="$(echo $ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/$i-x86* | sed
>                     "s:$ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/$i-::")" if [ -d
> $ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/$i-$ARCH/bin ]; 
> then
> PATH=$ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/$i-$ARCH/bin:$PATH
>  break; fi done
>                     On 07/11/2014 08:53 AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>                         On 07/11/2014 08:21 AM, Armin Novak wrote:
>                             Ok, fixed the bug with the wrong FIPS version in 
>                             <>. As for 32bit NDK 
> on a 64bit system, well I don't know an
>                             easy way to detect such a kind of setup. You will 
> have to continue editing the file or
>                             just use the 64bit NDK. 
>                         In linux shell you can set NDK ARCH using this: 
> ARCH="$(echo $ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/linux-x86*
>                         | sed "s:$ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/linux-::")" Also could 
> you please add in the test for NDK r9d?
>                         if [ -d /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d ]; then export 
> ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/android-ndk-r9d fi
>                             On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 07:39 -0400, Gerry Reno 
> wrote:
>                                 Answers inline. On 07/11/2014 04:16 AM, Armin 
> Novak wrote:
>                                     On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 20:39 -0400, Gerry 
> Reno wrote:
>                                         After I make a few modifications to
> external/openssl-build/ <>
>                                         for my environment then... This is 
> the only error I get from building the
>                                         external libs.
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/../fips/bin/fipsld:
>                                         line 186:
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore:
>                                         No such file or directory make[3]: 
> *** [link_app.] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving
>                                         directory
> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/apps'
>                                         make[2]: *** [openssl] Error 2 
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/apps'
>                                         make[1]: *** [build_apps] Error 1 
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h' Q: Is this
>                                         missing incore a problem or can I 
> ignore it?
>                                     Well, the unmodified script from current 
> FreeRDP master works without this error.
>                                     So this must be a problem with your 
> modifications. 
>                                 I don't think it's a problem with my 
> modification. I use x86 NDK on Linux x86_64 so
>                                 you cannot just set ARCH=`uname -m` to 
> properly set it. You have to find out what arch
>                                 type of NDK is installed. For now I just set 
> ARCH=x86 And the fips version is what is
>                                 wrong: FreeRDP]$ ls
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore
>  ls:
>                                 cannot access
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore:
>  No
>                                 such file or directory You have new mail in 
> /var/spool/mail/greno FreeRDP]$ FreeRDP]$
>                                 ls 
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.7/util/incore
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.7/util/incore
>  There
>                                 is an incore under openssl-fips-2.0.7 but not 
> under openssl-fips-2.0.5 So checking
> <> I see that openssl-fips-2.0.5 is
>                                 hard-coded in 
> <> even though now
>                                 openssl-fips-2.0.7 is what you get from git.
>                                         I see that now static libs get built: 
> FreeRDP]$ ls external/openssl/lib
>                                         libcrypto.a libssl.a FreeRDP]$ ls 
> external/jpeg8d/lib libjpeg.a FreeRDP]$ ls
> external/android-ndk-profiler/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/ libandroid-ndk-profiler.a
>                                         objs
>                                     Good, so the libraries are created...
>                                         This drives the android cmake script 
> in the proper direction now. Only see two
>                                         errors remaining: -- Could NOT find 
> PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
>                                         -- Could NOT find OPENSLES (missing: 
>                                         Does Android cross compile need 
> PkgConfig? Q: And isn't OpenSLES part of NDK? 
>                                     Is ANDROID_NDK properly defined? 
>                                 Yes. Had to modify 
> <> script to
>                                 support ndk r9d. And it does set properly. if 
> [ -d /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d ]; then
>                                 export ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/android-ndk-r9d 
> fi It looks like the compiles use it:
> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
>                                 ...
>                                     Did you remove an old CMakeCache.txt file 
> (cmake caches previous detection results)? 
>                                 Yes. Multiple times.
>                                         On 07/08/2014 03:26 PM, Gerry Reno 
> wrote:
>                                             Tried this again today and here's 
> what happens when you run cmake in a new
>                                             clone tree (after running 
> scripts/
>                                             <> edited to add 
> 'git checkout 1.0.1h'): Using CMake 2.8.9
>                                             FreeRDP]$ cmake 
> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/AndroidToolchain.cmake
>                                             -DANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK"
> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl"
> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/jpeg8d"
>                                             -DANDROID_SDK="$ANDROID_SDK" 
>                                             -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -- 
> FreeRDP GIT-dirty -- Git Revision
>                                             1.2.0-beta1+android7-222-g190c -- 
> Finding recommended feature X11 for X11
>                                             (X11 client and server) -- 
> Disable feature X11 using "-DWITH_X11=OFF" --
>                                             Skipping optional feature 
> DirectFB for DirectFB (DirectFB client) --
>                                             Enable feature DirectFB using 
> "-DWITH_DIRECTFB=ON" -- Finding required
>                                             feature ZLIB for compression 
> (data compression) -- Finding required
>                                             feature OpenSSL for cryptography 
> (encryption, certificate validation,
>                                             hashing functions) -- Skipping 
> optional feature OpenSLES for multimedia
>                                             (OpenSLES audio / video) -- 
> Enable feature OpenSLES using
>                                             "-DWITH_OPENSLES=ON" -- Finding 
> recommended feature ALSA for sound (audio
>                                             input, audio output and 
> multimedia redirection) -- Disable feature ALSA
>                                             using "-DWITH_ALSA=OFF" -- 
> Skipping optional feature Pulse for sound
>                                             (audio input, audio output and 
> multimedia redirection) -- Enable feature
>                                             Pulse using "-DWITH_PULSE=ON" -- 
> Skipping optional feature Cups for
>                                             printing (printer device 
> redirection) -- Enable feature Cups using
>                                             "-DWITH_CUPS=ON" -- Skipping 
> optional feature PCSC for smart card (smart
>                                             card device redirection) -- 
> Enable feature PCSC using "-DWITH_PCSC=ON" --
>                                             Skipping recommended feature 
> FFmpeg for multimedia (multimedia
>                                             redirection, audio and video 
> playback) -- Skipping optional feature
>                                             GStreamer_0_10 for multimedia 
> (multimedia redirection, audio and video
>                                             playback, gstreamer 0.10 version) 
> -- Enable feature GStreamer_0_10 using
>                                             "-DWITH_GSTREAMER_0_10=ON" -- 
> Skipping recommended feature GStreamer_1_0
>                                             for multimedia (multimedia 
> redirection, audio and video playback) --
>                                             Skipping optional feature JPEG 
> for codec (use JPEG library) -- Enable
>                                             feature JPEG using 
> "-DWITH_JPEG=ON" -- Skipping optional feature GSM for
>                                             codec (GSM audio codec library) 
> -- Enable feature GSM using
>                                             "-DWITH_GSM=ON" -- Skipping 
> optional feature IPP for performance (Intel
>                                             Integrated Performance Primitives 
> library) -- Enable feature IPP using
>                                             "-DWITH_IPP=ON" -- FreeRDP 
> GIT-dirty -- Finding recommended feature
>                                             XKBFile for X11 keyboard (X11 
> keyboard file extension) -- Disable feature
>                                             XKBFile using 
> "-DWITH_XKBFILE=OFF" -- Adding static channel client server
>                                             "rdpdr": Device Redirection 
> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding dynamic
>                                             channel client "rdpgfx": Graphics 
> Pipeline Extension -- Adding static
>                                             channel client server "remdesk": 
> Remote Assistance Virtual Channel
>                                             Extension -- Adding dynamic 
> channel client "tsmf": Video Redirection
>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
> Adding dynamic channel client server "audin":
>                                             Audio Input Redirection Virtual 
> Channel Extension -- Adding device channel
>                                             client "parallel": Parallel Port 
> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>                                             static channel client server 
> "rdpsnd": Audio Output Virtual Channel
>                                             Extension -- Adding static 
> channel client server "cliprdr": Clipboard
>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
> Adding static channel client server
>                                             "drdynvc": Dynamic Virtual 
> Channel Extension -- Adding device channel
>                                             client "serial": Serial Port 
> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding dynamic
>                                             channel client "disp": Display 
> Update Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>                                             dynamic channel client "echo": 
> Echo Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>                                             static channel client "rail": 
> Remote Programs Virtual Channel Extension --
>                                             Adding device channel client 
> "smartcard": Smart Card Virtual Channel
>                                             Extension -- Adding dynamic 
> channel client "rdpei": Input Virtual Channel
>                                             Extension -- Adding device 
> channel client "drive": Drive Redirection
>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
> Adding static channel client server
>                                             "encomsp": Multiparty Virtual 
> Channel Extension -- Could NOT find DocBook
>                                             XSL stylesheets (missing: 
> DOCBOOKXSL_DIR) CMake Warning at
>                                             client/X11/CMakeLists.txt:119 
> (message): WITH_MANPAGES was set, but
>                                             xsltproc was not found. man-pages 
> will not be installed -- Finding
>                                             required feature XShm for X11 
> shared memory (X11 shared memory extension)
>                                             -- Finding recommended feature 
> Xinerama for multi-monitor (X11
>                                             multi-monitor extension) -- 
> Disable feature Xinerama using
>                                             "-DWITH_XINERAMA=OFF" -- Finding 
> recommended feature Xext for X11
>                                             extension (X11 core extensions) 
> -- Disable feature Xext using
>                                             "-DWITH_XEXT=OFF" -- Finding 
> recommended feature Xcursor for cursor (X11
>                                             cursor extension) -- Disable 
> feature Xcursor using "-DWITH_XCURSOR=OFF" --
>                                             Finding recommended feature Xv 
> for video (X11 video extension) -- Disable
>                                             feature Xv using "-DWITH_XV=OFF" 
> -- Finding recommended feature Xi for
>                                             input (X11 input extension) -- 
> Disable feature Xi using "-DWITH_XI=OFF" --
>                                             Finding recommended feature 
> Xrender for rendering (X11 render extension)
>                                             -- Disable feature Xrender using 
> "-DWITH_XRENDER=OFF" -- Configuring done
>                                             -- Generating done CMake Warning: 
> Manually-specified variables were not
>                                             used by the project: 
>                                             FREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH 
> FREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH -- Build files have
>                                             been written to: 
> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP And then here is what happens
>                                             when you run make: FreeRDP]$ make 
> Scanning dependencies of target
>                                             winpr-crt [ 0%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/alignment.c.o [ 0%] Building C
>                                             object 
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/conversion.c.o [ 1%]
>                                             Building C object 
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/buffer.c.o [
>                                             1%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/memory.c.o [ 1%] Building C
>                                             object 
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/string.c.o [ 1%]
>                                             Building C object 
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/unicode.c.o
>                                             [ 2%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/utf.c.o Linking C shared
>                                             library 
> <> [ 2%] Built target
>                                             winpr-crt Scanning dependencies 
> of target winpr-nt [ 2%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/nt/CMakeFiles/winpr-nt.dir/nt.c.o Linking C shared library
> <> [ 2%] Built target winpr-nt
>                                             Scanning dependencies of target 
> winpr-error [ 2%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/error/CMakeFiles/winpr-error.dir/error.c.o Linking C shared
>                                             library 
> <> [ 2%] Built target
>                                             winpr-error Scanning dependencies 
> of target winpr-environment [ 2%]
>                                             Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/environment/CMakeFiles/winpr-environment.dir/environment.c.o 
> Linking
>                                             C shared library 
> <>
>                                             [ 2%] Built target 
> winpr-environment Scanning dependencies of target
>                                             winpr-heap [ 3%] Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/heap/CMakeFiles/winpr-heap.dir/heap.c.o Linking C shared
>                                             library 
> <> [ 3%] Built target
>                                             winpr-heap Scanning dependencies 
> of target winpr-path [ 3%] Building C
>                                             object 
> winpr/libwinpr/path/CMakeFiles/winpr-path.dir/path.c.o [ 4%]
>                                             Building C object 
> winpr/libwinpr/path/CMakeFiles/winpr-path.dir/shell.c.o
>                                             Linking C shared library 
> <> [ 4%]
>                                             Built target winpr-path Scanning 
> dependencies of target winpr-handle [ 4%]
>                                             Building C object
> winpr/libwinpr/handle/CMakeFiles/winpr-handle.dir/handle.c.o Linking C
>                                             shared library 
> <> [ 4%] Built
>                                             target winpr-handle Sc
> -- 
> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet. 

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