On 07/13/2014 12:23 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
> Yes, I already have the support libs:
> Android SDK manager shows Rev 20
> And I found it installed here:
>     $ ls  $ANDROID_SDK/extras/android/compatibility/v7/appcompat
>     AndroidManifest.xml  libs  project.properties  README.txt  res  src
Google documentation is saying this:

    This library is located in the |<sdk>/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/| 
directory after you download the Android
    Support Libraries.

But as you can see that's not where the Rev 20 library is located.

Is an adjustment is needed to FreeRDP to use this new location?

> On 07/13/2014 12:11 PM, Armin Novak wrote:
>> appcompat is part of the sdk support libraries, check that they are 
>> installed.
>> On 13 July 2014 18:04:00 CEST, Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>     This OpenSLES issue was fixed by making sure that the default NDK api is 
>> set to 9 inside the updated
>>     AndroidToolchain.cmake file.
>>     So now cmake configures things.
>>     And make successfully builds the libraries necessary for building the 
>> apk's under client/Android.
>>     But there is now a problem with appcompat_v7.
>>     When I run 'ant debug' in aFreeRDP I see this:
>>         aFreeRDP]$ ant debug
>>         Buildfile: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/build.xml
>>         -set-mode-check:
>>         -set-debug-files:
>>         -check-env:
>>          [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 23.0.0
>>          [checkenv] Installed at /usr/local/android-sdk-linux_x86
>>         -setup:
>>              [echo] Project Name: aFreeRDP
>>           [gettype] Project Type: Application
>>         -set-debug-mode:
>>         -debug-obfuscation-check:
>>         -pre-build:
>>         -build-setup:
>>         [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 20.0.0
>>              [echo] Resolving Build Target for aFreeRDP...
>>         [gettarget] Project Target:   Android 4.0
>>         [gettarget] API level:        14
>>              [echo] ----------
>>              [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/res
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/rsObj
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/rsLibs
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/gen
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/classes
>>             [mkdir] Created dir: 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/aFreeRDP/bin/dexedLibs
>>              [echo] ----------
>>              [echo] Resolving Dependencies for aFreeRDP...
>>         BUILD FAILED
>>         /usr/local/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/ant/build.xml:577: 
>> ../appcompat_v7 resolve to a path with no
>>         project.properties file for project 
>> /home/greno/build/g-reno/FreeRDP/client/Android/FreeRDPCore
>>         Total time: 1 second
>>     And when I look under client/Android/appcompat_v7  it is empty directory.
>>     Either this library reference in project.properties is not right or 
>> there needs to be content added under appcompat_v7.
>>     On 07/11/2014 04:48 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>         According to comments in the file, it appears that 
>> cmake/FindOpenSLES.cmake looks for certain sound header
>>         files like dsound.h and OpenSLES.h to determine whether OpenSLES is 
>> found: dsound.h is not found anywhere but
>>         OpenSLES.h is found FreeRDP]$ find /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d -iname 
>> "dsound.h" FreeRDP]$ find /usr -iname
>>         "dsound.h" FreeRDP]$ find /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d -iname 
>> "opensles.h"
>> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-mips/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/platforms/android-18/arch-x86/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>>  ... Since dsound.h is not
>>         found that appears to be causing the cmake to fail. But I didn't 
>> find dsound.h in any NDK. So is this right?
>>         On 07/11/2014 04:07 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>             So even when this change is applied to 
>> scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh <http://env.sh> we still have
>>             two errors remaining: FreeRDP]$ cmake 
>> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/AndroidToolchain.cmake
>>             -DANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK" 
>> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl"
>> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/jpeg8d" 
>> find PkgConfig (missing:
>>             PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- FreeRDP GIT-dirty -- Git Revision 
>> 1.2.0-beta1+android7-302-gc99d4 -- Performing
>>             Test Wno-unused-result -- Performing Test Wno-unused-result - 
>> Success -- Performing Test
>>             Wno-unused-but-set-variable -- Performing Test 
>> Wno-unused-but-set-variable - Success -- Performing Test
>>             Wno-deprecated-declarations -- Performing Test 
>> Wno-deprecated-declarations - Success -- Performing Test
>>             Wno-deprecated-declarationsCXX -- Performing Test 
>> Wno-deprecated-declarationsCXX - Success -- Looking for
>>             include file fcntl.h -- Looking for include file fcntl.h - found 
>> -- Looking for include file unistd.h --
>>             Looking for include file unistd.h - found -- Looking for include 
>> file stdint.h -- Looking for include file
>>             stdint.h - found -- Looking for include file inttypes.h -- 
>> Looking for include file inttypes.h - found --
>>             Looking for include file sys/modem.h -- Looking for include file 
>> sys/modem.h - not found. -- Looking for
>>             include file sys/filio.h -- Looking for include file sys/filio.h 
>> - not found. -- Looking for include file
>>             sys/strtio.h -- Looking for include file sys/strtio.h - not 
>> found. -- Looking for include file
>>             sys/select.h -- Looking for include file sys/select.h - found -- 
>> Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF --
>>             Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF - Success -- Looking for 
>> pthread_tryjoin_np in pthread -- Looking for
>>             pthread_tryjoin_np in pthread - not found -- Looking for include 
>> file sys/eventfd.h -- Looking for include
>>             file sys/eventfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file 
>> sys/eventfd.h -- Looking for include file
>>             sys/eventfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file 
>> sys/timerfd.h -- Looking for include file
>>             sys/timerfd.h - not found. -- Looking for include file poll.h -- 
>> Looking for include file poll.h - found
>>             -- Skipping disabled feature X11 for X11 (X11 client and server) 
>> -- Skipping disabled feature DirectFB for
>>             DirectFB (DirectFB client) -- Finding required feature ZLIB for 
>> compression (data compression) -- Found
>>             ZLIB: 
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib/libz.so 
>> <http://libz.so> (found version
>>             "1.2.3") -- Finding required feature OpenSSL for cryptography 
>> (encryption, certificate validation, hashing
>>             functions) -- Found OpenSSL:
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl/lib/libssl.a;/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a
>>             (found version "1.0.1h") -- Finding required feature OpenSLES 
>> for multimedia (OpenSLES audio / video) --
>>             Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- 
>> Could NOT find OPENSLES (missing:
>> cmake/FindOpenSLES.cmake:32 (message): Could NOT
>>             find OPENSLES Call Stack (most recent call first): 
>> cmake/FindFeature.cmake:16 (find_package)
>>             CMakeLists.txt:501 (find_feature) -- Configuring incomplete, 
>> errors occurred! I have pkg-config installed
>>             so I don't understand the pkg-config error: FreeRDP]$ which 
>> pkg-config /usr/bin/pkg-config And OpenSLES is
>>             in the NDK so I don't understand this error either: FreeRDP]$ 
>> find $ANDROID_NDK -iname "*sles*" -follow
>>             /usr/local/android-ndk/docs/opensles
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/tests/build/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/tests/build/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration/jni/issue53163-OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration.c
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h
>> /usr/local/android-ndk/platforms/android-18/arch-arm/usr/include/SLES/OpenSLES.h
>>  ... On 07/11/2014 12:53
>>             PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>                 Can someone apply this patch to FreeRDP master: FreeRDP]$ 
>> git diff scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh
>>                 <http://env.sh> diff --git 
>> a/scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh <http://env.sh>
>>                 b/scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh <http://env.sh> index 
>> d8d6e8d..8a4208e 100755 ---
>>                 a/scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh <http://env.sh> +++ 
>> b/scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh
>>                 <http://env.sh> @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ echo "Preparing 
>> OpenSSL..." OPENSSL_SRC=$ROOT/openssl-build if [ -d
>>                 $OPENSSL_SRC ]; then cd $OPENSSL_SRC - git pull + git 
>> checkout 1.0.1h + git pull origin 1.0.1h
>>                 RETVAL=$? else git clone $OPENSSL_SCM $OPENSSL_SRC @@ -58,7 
>> +59,7 @@ fi cd $OPENSSL_SRC # We want to
>>                 build a specific TAG -git checkout $OPENSSL_TAG +# git 
>> checkout $OPENSSL_TAG make clean With this
>>                 change I can get openssl-android pulled in and building 
>> correctly while master is being reconfigured.
>>                 Notice I had to remove the git checkout $OPENSSL_TAG because 
>> it blows out the changes that were made
>>                 to setenv-android-4.1.sh <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh>. If 
>> there's a better way please do it. Maybe
>>                 updating the tag. But then it would need updated for every 
>> change or new tag defined. On 07/11/2014
>>                 10:04 AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>                     Thanks for adding r9d test but it needs modified. It 
>> gets incorrectly set back to r9c because the
>>                     script has r9d tested before r9c and so it resets back 
>> to r9c. also how about this for setting
>>                     ARCH and the PATH? : for i in linux darwin do 
>> ARCH="$(echo $ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/$i-x86* | sed
>>                     "s:$ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/$i-::")" if [ -d
>> $ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/$i-$ARCH/bin ]; 
>> then
>> PATH=$ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/$i-$ARCH/bin:$PATH
>>  break; fi done
>>                     On 07/11/2014 08:53 AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>                         On 07/11/2014 08:21 AM, Armin Novak wrote:
>>                             Ok, fixed the bug with the wrong FIPS version in 
>> setenv-android-4.1.sh
>>                             <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh>. As for 32bit NDK 
>> on a 64bit system, well I don't know an
>>                             easy way to detect such a kind of setup. You 
>> will have to continue editing the file or
>>                             just use the 64bit NDK. 
>>                         In linux shell you can set NDK ARCH using this: 
>> ARCH="$(echo $ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/linux-x86*
>>                         | sed "s:$ANDROID_NDK/prebuilt/linux-::")" Also 
>> could you please add in the test for NDK r9d?
>>                         if [ -d /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d ]; then export 
>> ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/android-ndk-r9d fi
>>                             On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 07:39 -0400, Gerry Reno 
>> wrote:
>>                                 Answers inline. On 07/11/2014 04:16 AM, 
>> Armin Novak wrote:
>>                                     On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 20:39 -0400, Gerry 
>> Reno wrote:
>>                                         After I make a few modifications to
>> external/openssl-build/setenv-android-4.1.sh <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh>
>>                                         for my environment then... This is 
>> the only error I get from building the
>>                                         external libs.
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/../fips/bin/fipsld:
>>                                         line 186:
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore:
>>                                         No such file or directory make[3]: 
>> *** [link_app.] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving
>>                                         directory
>> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/apps'
>>                                         make[2]: *** [openssl] Error 2 
>> make[2]: Leaving directory
>> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h/apps'
>>                                         make[1]: *** [build_apps] Error 1 
>> make[1]: Leaving directory
>> `/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-1.0.1h' Q: Is this
>>                                         missing incore a problem or can I 
>> ignore it?
>>                                     Well, the unmodified script from current 
>> FreeRDP master works without this error.
>>                                     So this must be a problem with your 
>> modifications. 
>>                                 I don't think it's a problem with my 
>> modification. I use x86 NDK on Linux x86_64 so
>>                                 you cannot just set ARCH=`uname -m` to 
>> properly set it. You have to find out what arch
>>                                 type of NDK is installed. For now I just set 
>> ARCH=x86 And the fips version is what is
>>                                 wrong: FreeRDP]$ ls
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore
>>  ls:
>>                                 cannot access
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.5/util/incore:
>>  No
>>                                 such file or directory You have new mail in 
>> /var/spool/mail/greno FreeRDP]$ FreeRDP]$
>>                                 ls 
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.7/util/incore
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl-build/openssl-fips-2.0.7/util/incore
>>  There
>>                                 is an incore under openssl-fips-2.0.7 but 
>> not under openssl-fips-2.0.5 So checking
>>                                 setenv-android-4.1.sh 
>> <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh> I see that openssl-fips-2.0.5 is
>>                                 hard-coded in setenv-android-4.1.sh 
>> <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh> even though now
>>                                 openssl-fips-2.0.7 is what you get from git.
>>                                         I see that now static libs get 
>> built: FreeRDP]$ ls external/openssl/lib
>>                                         libcrypto.a libssl.a FreeRDP]$ ls 
>> external/jpeg8d/lib libjpeg.a FreeRDP]$ ls
>> external/android-ndk-profiler/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/ 
>> libandroid-ndk-profiler.a
>>                                         objs
>>                                     Good, so the libraries are created...
>>                                         This drives the android cmake script 
>> in the proper direction now. Only see two
>>                                         errors remaining: -- Could NOT find 
>> PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
>>                                         -- Could NOT find OPENSLES (missing: 
>>                                         Does Android cross compile need 
>> PkgConfig? Q: And isn't OpenSLES part of NDK? 
>>                                     Is ANDROID_NDK properly defined? 
>>                                 Yes. Had to modify setenv-android-4.1.sh 
>> <http://setenv-android-4.1.sh> script to
>>                                 support ndk r9d. And it does set properly. 
>> if [ -d /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d ]; then
>>                                 export 
>> ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/android-ndk-r9d fi It looks like the compiles use it:
>> /usr/local/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
>>                                 ...
>>                                     Did you remove an old CMakeCache.txt 
>> file (cmake caches previous detection results)? 
>>                                 Yes. Multiple times.
>>                                         On 07/08/2014 03:26 PM, Gerry Reno 
>> wrote:
>>                                             Tried this again today and 
>> here's what happens when you run cmake in a new
>>                                             clone tree (after running 
>> scripts/android_setup_build_env.sh
>>                                             <http://env.sh> edited to add 
>> 'git checkout 1.0.1h'): Using CMake 2.8.9
>>                                             FreeRDP]$ cmake 
>> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/AndroidToolchain.cmake
>>                                             -DANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK"
>> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/openssl"
>> -DFREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH="/home/greno/build/FreeRDP/external/jpeg8d"
>>                                             -DANDROID_SDK="$ANDROID_SDK" 
>>                                             -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -- 
>> FreeRDP GIT-dirty -- Git Revision
>>                                             1.2.0-beta1+android7-222-g190c 
>> -- Finding recommended feature X11 for X11
>>                                             (X11 client and server) -- 
>> Disable feature X11 using "-DWITH_X11=OFF" --
>>                                             Skipping optional feature 
>> DirectFB for DirectFB (DirectFB client) --
>>                                             Enable feature DirectFB using 
>> "-DWITH_DIRECTFB=ON" -- Finding required
>>                                             feature ZLIB for compression 
>> (data compression) -- Finding required
>>                                             feature OpenSSL for cryptography 
>> (encryption, certificate validation,
>>                                             hashing functions) -- Skipping 
>> optional feature OpenSLES for multimedia
>>                                             (OpenSLES audio / video) -- 
>> Enable feature OpenSLES using
>>                                             "-DWITH_OPENSLES=ON" -- Finding 
>> recommended feature ALSA for sound (audio
>>                                             input, audio output and 
>> multimedia redirection) -- Disable feature ALSA
>>                                             using "-DWITH_ALSA=OFF" -- 
>> Skipping optional feature Pulse for sound
>>                                             (audio input, audio output and 
>> multimedia redirection) -- Enable feature
>>                                             Pulse using "-DWITH_PULSE=ON" -- 
>> Skipping optional feature Cups for
>>                                             printing (printer device 
>> redirection) -- Enable feature Cups using
>>                                             "-DWITH_CUPS=ON" -- Skipping 
>> optional feature PCSC for smart card (smart
>>                                             card device redirection) -- 
>> Enable feature PCSC using "-DWITH_PCSC=ON" --
>>                                             Skipping recommended feature 
>> FFmpeg for multimedia (multimedia
>>                                             redirection, audio and video 
>> playback) -- Skipping optional feature
>>                                             GStreamer_0_10 for multimedia 
>> (multimedia redirection, audio and video
>>                                             playback, gstreamer 0.10 
>> version) -- Enable feature GStreamer_0_10 using
>>                                             "-DWITH_GSTREAMER_0_10=ON" -- 
>> Skipping recommended feature GStreamer_1_0
>>                                             for multimedia (multimedia 
>> redirection, audio and video playback) --
>>                                             Skipping optional feature JPEG 
>> for codec (use JPEG library) -- Enable
>>                                             feature JPEG using 
>> "-DWITH_JPEG=ON" -- Skipping optional feature GSM for
>>                                             codec (GSM audio codec library) 
>> -- Enable feature GSM using
>>                                             "-DWITH_GSM=ON" -- Skipping 
>> optional feature IPP for performance (Intel
>>                                             Integrated Performance 
>> Primitives library) -- Enable feature IPP using
>>                                             "-DWITH_IPP=ON" -- FreeRDP 
>> GIT-dirty -- Finding recommended feature
>>                                             XKBFile for X11 keyboard (X11 
>> keyboard file extension) -- Disable feature
>>                                             XKBFile using 
>> "-DWITH_XKBFILE=OFF" -- Adding static channel client server
>>                                             "rdpdr": Device Redirection 
>> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding dynamic
>>                                             channel client "rdpgfx": 
>> Graphics Pipeline Extension -- Adding static
>>                                             channel client server "remdesk": 
>> Remote Assistance Virtual Channel
>>                                             Extension -- Adding dynamic 
>> channel client "tsmf": Video Redirection
>>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
>> Adding dynamic channel client server "audin":
>>                                             Audio Input Redirection Virtual 
>> Channel Extension -- Adding device channel
>>                                             client "parallel": Parallel Port 
>> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>>                                             static channel client server 
>> "rdpsnd": Audio Output Virtual Channel
>>                                             Extension -- Adding static 
>> channel client server "cliprdr": Clipboard
>>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
>> Adding static channel client server
>>                                             "drdynvc": Dynamic Virtual 
>> Channel Extension -- Adding device channel
>>                                             client "serial": Serial Port 
>> Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding dynamic
>>                                             channel client "disp": Display 
>> Update Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>>                                             dynamic channel client "echo": 
>> Echo Virtual Channel Extension -- Adding
>>                                             static channel client "rail": 
>> Remote Programs Virtual Channel Extension --
>>                                             Adding device channel client 
>> "smartcard": Smart Card Virtual Channel
>>                                             Extension -- Adding dynamic 
>> channel client "rdpei": Input Virtual Channel
>>                                             Extension -- Adding device 
>> channel client "drive": Drive Redirection
>>                                             Virtual Channel Extension -- 
>> Adding static channel client server
>>                                             "encomsp": Multiparty Virtual 
>> Channel Extension -- Could NOT find DocBook
>>                                             XSL stylesheets (missing: 
>> DOCBOOKXSL_DIR) CMake Warning at
>>                                             client/X11/CMakeLists.txt:119 
>> (message): WITH_MANPAGES was set, but
>>                                             xsltproc was not found. 
>> man-pages will not be installed -- Finding
>>                                             required feature XShm for X11 
>> shared memory (X11 shared memory extension)
>>                                             -- Finding recommended feature 
>> Xinerama for multi-monitor (X11
>>                                             multi-monitor extension) -- 
>> Disable feature Xinerama using
>>                                             "-DWITH_XINERAMA=OFF" -- Finding 
>> recommended feature Xext for X11
>>                                             extension (X11 core extensions) 
>> -- Disable feature Xext using
>>                                             "-DWITH_XEXT=OFF" -- Finding 
>> recommended feature Xcursor for cursor (X11
>>                                             cursor extension) -- Disable 
>> feature Xcursor using "-DWITH_XCURSOR=OFF" --
>>                                             Finding recommended feature Xv 
>> for video (X11 video extension) -- Disable
>>                                             feature Xv using "-DWITH_XV=OFF" 
>> -- Finding recommended feature Xi for
>>                                             input (X11 input extension) -- 
>> Disable feature Xi using "-DWITH_XI=OFF" --
>>                                             Finding recommended feature 
>> Xrender for rendering (X11 render extension)
>>                                             -- Disable feature Xrender using 
>> "-DWITH_XRENDER=OFF" -- Configuring done
>>                                             -- Generating done CMake 
>> Warning: Manually-specified variables were not
>>                                             used by the project: 
>>                                             FREERDP_EXTERNAL_JPEG_PATH 
>> FREERDP_EXTERNAL_SSL_PATH -- Build files have
>>                                             been written to: 
>> /home/greno/build/FreeRDP And then here is what happens
>>                                             when you run make: FreeRDP]$ 
>> make Scanning dependencies of target
>>                                             winpr-crt [ 0%] Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/alignment.c.o [ 0%] Building C
>>                                             object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/conversion.c.o [ 1%]
>>                                             Building C object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/buffer.c.o [
>>                                             1%] Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/memory.c.o [ 1%] Building C
>>                                             object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/string.c.o [ 1%]
>>                                             Building C object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/unicode.c.o
>>                                             [ 2%] Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/crt/CMakeFiles/winpr-crt.dir/utf.c.o Linking C shared
>>                                             library libwinpr-crt.so 
>> <http://libwinpr-crt.so> [ 2%] Built target
>>                                             winpr-crt Scanning dependencies 
>> of target winpr-nt [ 2%] Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/nt/CMakeFiles/winpr-nt.dir/nt.c.o Linking C shared library
>>                                             libwinpr-nt.so 
>> <http://libwinpr-nt.so> [ 2%] Built target winpr-nt
>>                                             Scanning dependencies of target 
>> winpr-error [ 2%] Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/error/CMakeFiles/winpr-error.dir/error.c.o Linking C shared
>>                                             library libwinpr-error.so 
>> <http://libwinpr-error.so> [ 2%] Built target
>>                                             winpr-error Scanning 
>> dependencies of target winpr-environment [ 2%]
>>                                             Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/environment/CMakeFiles/winpr-environment.dir/environment.c.o 
>> Linking
>>                                             C shared library 
>> libwinpr-environment.so <http://libwinpr-environment.so>
>>                                             [ 2%] Built target 
>> winpr-environment Scanning dependencies of target
>>                                             winpr-heap [ 3%] Building C 
>> object
>> winpr/libwinpr/heap/CMakeFiles/winpr-heap.dir/heap.c.o Linking C shared
>>                                             library libwinpr-heap.so 
>> <http://libwinpr-heap.so> [ 3%] Built target
>>                                             winpr-heap Scanning dependencies 
>> of target winpr-path [ 3%] Building C
>>                                             object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/path/CMakeFiles/winpr-path.dir/path.c.o [ 4%]
>>                                             Building C object 
>> winpr/libwinpr/path/CMakeFiles/winpr-path.dir/shell.c.o
>>                                             Linking C shared library 
>> libwinpr-path.so <http://libwinpr-path.so> [ 4%]
>>                                             Built target winpr-path Scanning 
>> dependencies of target winpr-handle [ 4%]
>>                                             Building C object
>> winpr/libwinpr/handle/CMakeFiles/winpr-handle.dir/handle.c.o Linking C
>>                                             shared library 
>> libwinpr-handle.so <http://libwinpr-handle.so> [ 4%] Built
>>                                             target winpr-handle Sc
>> -- 
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