On 24/gen/07, at 17:24, Ben wrote:

Koen Martens wrote:
Ben wrote:

Ben wrote:

I have attached my build info, including a view of pkg_info.txt, which
shows that 51 packages appear to be added to the ISO but only 34
packages are listed in pkg_info.txt.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Any updates on this? I just tried updating my sources and applying Koen Marten's patch from this morning but still had problems with the proper
packages being added to the ISO.

Did you try the same thing I tried: sprinkle some echo statements
around in the pkginstall script. Start by catting input and output
of each of the three functions, to zoom in which function 'looses'
the package. Then you can put more detailled echo's and/or analyze
the code of the function that is the culprit.



I'm sorry for continuing this thread, I wonder if anyone is still
reading it, but I think I've finally nailed down the problem. After
finally finding the .done_pkginstall file I saw a bunch of "pkg_add:
could not find package" statements. The odd thing is all of these
packages that could not be found aren't showing up in
"/tmp/freesbie.icICHjHP/packages" as being dependencies. Are the
FreeSBIE scripts not drilling down far enough to find dependencies of

I guess I'll keep digging but please let me know if anyone else sees
this as possible.

Have you tried running pkgdb -F (from sysutils/portupgrade) on your system? It seems you have dependencies listed on your package db that are not installed.
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