If you are using a recent dev version of tksurfer, then try the function:

save_tiff <filename>

If you enter this into the shell and it doesn't work, then you have an
older version. Our new release will have this function.

There is (finally) some documentation for scripting commands in
tksurfer, although it is for the newer dev version.


> I would like a short tcl script to rotate each hemisphere through
> all the main views (lateral, medial, dorsal, ventral, anterior,
> posterior) and output a graphics file with the name of the subject
> and the view in the file name.  I've found rotate_brain_[xyz] and
> save_rgb, but the latter does not permit a file name for the output
> graphics.  I would like high-resolution graphics for publications,
> but the save_rgb outputs about 85-90 dpi images.  Is there an option
> for vector graphics or high resolution tiff or png images?


Kevin Teich
Freesurfer mailing list

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