Hello all,

I have two questions here:

1. The summation of all the structure volumes listed in the aseg.stats seems to exceed the Brain Segmentation Volume given in the same file. With the exclusion of CSF and ventricles, the number becomes smaller than the Brain Segmentation Volume. If I am to study the total brain volume changes with age or other structure volumes (hippocampus), which number would be a better representation of the TBV volume?

There is a discrepancy between the BrainSeg measure and the sum of the seg volumes in that the BrainSeg does not account for partial voluming. This was an oversite on my part, which I will fix. The BrainSeg also includes ventricles, which you probably don't want. I'll add another field for BrainSeg without ventricles.

2. We are interested in studying the correlation coefficient after mris_glmfit at every voxel. Is there any output file contains this information?

We don't output the correlation coeff, but the gamma.mgh is the regression coefficient.

Zheng Hui


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