Dear surfers,

I try to get a thickness map of the cortex by using the mri_surf2vol function. However when I used it like :

mri_surf2vol --volreg reg.dat --surfval ../surf/lh.thickness_max --hemi lh --template ./orig/001.mgz --outvol leftThickness_max_filled_pial.nii --fillribbon

it generates a very grainy map. I think that those unassigned voxels are not hit by the normals of vertices on the white surface. To compensate it I tried to fill the ribon with the normals originated from the pial surface by :

mri_surf2vol --volreg reg.dat --surfval ../surf/lh.thickness_max --hemi lh --template ./orig/001.mgz --outvol leftThickness_max_filled_pial.nii --fillribbon --surf pial

however the ribbon I get is shifted to the outer side of the cortex. I think the normals of the pial are oriented to show outer space of the cortex and they hit the voxels at the outerspace. I also attached the thickness maps of the ribbon I get from the white and the pial surfaces and the T1 image. They are the same slice of the volume, and you can see that pial one passes beyond the pial surface in general.

In the help of mri_surf2vol for the fillribbon option, it is explained as "iterate projfrac from 0 to 1". And when the code is running I saw that iteration has a 0.05 step. I wonder whether is it possible to define the stepsize and the range for example 0 to -1 to reverse the hitting voxels.

Thanks in advance.


Attachment: thicknessRibbon.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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