Hi Xin,

For subcortical volumes, check the SUBJECT/aseg.stats file.

The thickness question I will leave for the Bruce, Doug and the others.



> Hello, Rahul
> Two more questions. 1. How can I get the volumes of subcortical
> structures, like in the presentation of freesurfer & matlab? I did not
> find the matlab script to do so.
> 2. where are the thickness of every voxel saved? Can I access to it and
> copy data out?
> Many thanks to you and Doug
> XIn
> ________________________________
> From: Rahul Desikan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 2007-4-30 (ÐÇÆÚÒ») 16:06
> To: Wang, Xin
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] ROI of SI cortex
> Hi Xin,
> Within the *h.aparc.annot files for each subject, there should be
> individual label files for *h.precentral.label and *h.postcentral.label.
> If you take a look at your *h.aparc.stats, there should be a value for the
> thickness and volume. You can, of course, take this *h.aparc.stats file
> and upload it into matlab, spss or any other stats package and do
> statistics on these values.
> Best,
> rahul
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Wang, Xin wrote:
>> Dear Rahul
>> The SI is primary somatosensory cortex (or postcentral gyrus) and MI is
>> primary motor cortex (or precentral gyrus). I want to compare the
>> thickness and volume of these two areas from left side to right side.
>> Thank you,
>> Xin
>> ________________________________
>> From: Rahul Desikan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Mon 4/30/2007 3:52 PM
>> To: Wang, Xin
>> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] ROI of SI cortex
>> Hi Xin,
>> What exactly do SI and MI cortices refer to?
>> rahul
>> On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Wang, Xin wrote:
>>> Hello, group
>>> I need to compare thickness of left v.s. the right SI and MI cortices.
>>> I saw some matlab tools for comparsion of left and right hippocampus in
>>> Lundervold.pdf. I could not find similar tools in the matlab folder of
>>> Freesurfer stable release 3.0.5 that I just installed. Could anybody
>>> kindly tell me the tools I could use for my study?
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Xin Wang
>> --
> --

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