Hi All,  I wanted to clarify a point. Publications of cortical thickness
differences are usually produced with maps called mean thickness
difference maps.
I dug through the mail archive but did not find an answer
These statistical parametric maps are I assume produced by computing a
mri_glmfit with doss, and a contrast (1 -1 0)  i.e. each class is
fit to a linear model but both have the same slope and the offsets are
different and the inference is on the difference in the intercepts. The
resulting maps are the maps commonly referred to as mean thickness
difference maps ?
(Q2) I seem to remember a conversation about how this is done. First
each group is fit to an optimal line, i.e. each group gets a line with
the intercept
and slope to minimize the data fit error, then the average of the slopes
is computed and this average slope is used for each of two new lines,
one for each group, then an intercept is computed for each group such
that with the nonoptimal slope the data fit error is minimized, am I
correct that this is in fact
the procedure.
(Q3) Does this in fact give an intercept that is the mean of the
thickness values for each group , the thought experiments I have cooked
say yes but
I have not made a proof ?
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