
Can you send me the output of:

ldd $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/qdec.bin

This error, and one seen by George He, who also is using Fedora release
8, tells me that the problem is related to Tcl/Tk on that platform.
Freesurfer includes a Tcl/Tk/Tix/BLT bundle in its distribution, so I
dont know why the platform Tcl/Tk would matter, but this is the only
common factor in these problems.


On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 13:12 -0500, William R Mcgarry wrote:
> When trying to analyze some data in qdec, after I completed recon-all -all 
> and -qcache for the subjects in my qdec table, I get to the Display tab and 
> pick an option under Scalar. It doesn't matter which option, as they all give 
> me the same two errors repeatedly (forcing me to quit qdec). These are:
> (1)
> /usr/pubsw/packages/KWWidgets/CVS/src/KWWidgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx, line 
> 1182
> vtkKWQdecApp (0x87548598): TclTK error:
> invalid command name "vtkTemp349"
> invalid command name "vtkTemp349" while executing
> "vtkTemp349 FocusInCallback" (command bound to event)
> and (2)
> /usr/pubsw/packages/KWWidgets/CVS/src/KWWidgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx, line 
> 1182
> vtkKWQdecApp (0x8748598): TclTK error:
> invalid command name "vtkTemp347"
> invalid command name "vtkTemp347" while executing
> "vtkTemp347 FinishEditing" (command bound to event)
> Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>    -Ryan McGarry
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> FREESURFER_HOME: /usr/local/freesurfer
> Build stamp: freesurfer-Linux-rh9-stable-pub-v4.0.2
> RedHat release: Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)
> Kernel info: Linux x86_64
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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