Two questions:

1.  We installed the latest version of 32-bit FS on several workstations
running CentOS 5.1 in our lab.  However, once we ran the CentOS updates
(~280 of them through up2date), tkmedit now fails to open and tksurfer
exhibits behavior exactly as described in this message from the mail
Having attempted to troubleshoot it I discovered that a blt lib was
missing, but even with re-installation of this tksurfer continues to not
display correctly.  I believe it's a tcl problem, but I don't understand
why performing incremental updates to CentOS would break FS.  More
importantly, I'm not sure which of the updates does "the breaking" so I
can just avoid it.  Any ideas?

2.  We are in the process of training new research assistants in how to
use FS.  Typically we have approached this in a more qualitative way by
working side-by-side with them to guide their edits and processing.  I was
wondering if there is a quantitative way of comparing their work that you
(or others) have used when training "new recruits" in FS.  Maybe something
like was done in the Han et al (2006) paper, such as compare their
thickness (or other) maps with someone we know does well with manual
interventions?  In essence, we're trying to think of a rigorous way to
train new people in FS, thanks!

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