
I've noticed a behavior in QDEC (v1.1 under FS v4.1.0) that appears to
be a bug regarding the "slopes" output to the terminal, and the
corresponding regression lines displayed in the scatterplot, when using
more than one continuous covariate.

I ran an analysis on cortical thickness on a group of patients using
just age and duration of illness as continuous covariates (and listed in
that order on the 'Design' tab).

Looking at the map for "Does the correlation between thickness and age,
accounting for duration_of_illness, differ from zero?", the blue blobs
are reported to have negative slopes, and the red blobs have positive
slopes, as expected. (This is based on the slope reported to the
terminal, as well as the physical slope of the dashed regression line in
the scatterplot when I click on a vertex).

However, looking at the map for "Does the correlation between thickness
and duration_of_illnes, accounting for age, differ from zero?", I found
that when I clicked on a vertex in a blue blob the slope reported to the
terminal was usually POSITIVE.  That is, vertices in blue blobs in this
case typically have a slope REPORTED as positive, ACCORDING to the
output to the terminal as well as the slope of the regression line in
the scatterplot.  And vice-versa for vertices in red blobs.

Upon further investigation it appears that the bug is that the output to
the terminal, and the regression line in the scatterplot, are using the
slope value from the first of the two continuous variables regardless of
which correlation is actually selected as the active map.

An analogous bug exists if you add a class variable to the mix.  That
is, the "slopes" output to the terminal for each class (using DODS), and
used in the regression line of the scatterplot, are from the first of
the two continuous variables, regardless of the active map.

-Mike H.
P.S. In the process of this, I found stumbled across the following:
If you use the "Subject Exclusions" feature to exclude some subjects
based on a discrete (class) variable, and attempt to run a DOSS analysis
using a different discrete factor in combination with two continuous
covariates, Qdec crashes with the following message:

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x11303558 ***

But, if you attempt a DOSS analysis using just one of the two continuous
covariates instead, no problem...

Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital, Room 6615           Tel: 314-747-6173
660 South Euclid Ave.                Fax: 314-747-2182
St. Louis, MO 63110                  Email: mha...@wustl.edu

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