
Matlab uses vertex numbers starting from one. However, the vertex
numbers from Freesurfer start from zero. This error in matlab can be
fixed by adding 1 to the vertex numbers.


On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 16:14 -0500, Keller, Corey J. wrote:
> Hi Freesurfers,
>  I am having some issues plotting a reconstructed brain in matlab. I have used
> the read_surf function to load in the pial surface file lh.pial and save the
> lh_pial.vert and lh_pial.tri. I get the following output:
> fv.vertices fv.faces] = read_surf('lh.pial')
> fv = 
>     vertices: [140817x3 double]
>        faces: [281630x3 double]
> h = patch(fv,'FaceColor',[.5 .5 .5])
> ??? Error using ==> patch
> Faces values must be >= 1.0.
> My first 10 face values are:
> fv.faces(1:10,1:3)
> ans =
>      0     1     5
>      6     5     1
>      0    26     1
>     27     1    26
>      0     5    26
>     39    26     5
>      1     2     6
>      7     6     2
>      1    27    28
>      1    28     2
> This seems to be the issue because every other row the faces values are 
> greater
> than zero. Do you know why all of my recon output pial files look like this 
> and
> how I can fix the issue. Thanks.
>   Best,
>   Corey
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