Hi, I don't know it's related, but we've seen something similar when
rerunning recons initially processed in 4.05 in 4.1.0. Even though no
initial manual edits had been made to the aseg, a file called
aseg.maned.mgz (or something like that) was saved in the mri folder, and
the medial/ventrical surfaces looked very much like yours. Adding the
-clean-aseg flag to the recon-all command was the fix for us. Oddly,
rerunning subjects from 4.01/4.03 -> 4.1.0 did not produce the same error.


> We're experiencing some difficulties with editing several of our
> control subjects' wm.mgz volumes.  For many of them the ventricle
> space was not filled during the recon-all process (some subjs have
> enlarged ventricles, while others do not).  Re-running with the -
> bigventricles flag did not correct the problem, and we subsequently
> filled the space manually by added new voxels (255 value) in the
> wm.mgz volume.  After running them again under -autorecon2-wm, we
> discovered that the wm.mgz volumes now appear without any of our edits
> (as if they had been run with a -clean-wm flag).  We edited and reran
> again, but with the exact same result for a second time, but only for
> a subset of the original (edits worked on some, didn't on others).
> Any thoughts as to why this is occurring?  We are pretty confident
> that the volumes are saved each time edits are made, and we are not
> running with any -clean flags.  If all else fails, is it permissible
> to using the subjects as is (see attached pics) if the surfaces being
> affected are only the 'unknown' regions?  FS 4.1.0 is the version that
> is being used, thanks.
> -Derin

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