Hi Roberto,

when you bring up the volume does it appear correctly in tkmedit? That is, is the coronal view really coronal, etc....?

On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, roberto toro wrote:

Dear Freesurfers,

I haven't been able to run recon-all in a set of subjects. All them
stop at the point of the  talairach transform verification. I uploaded
one of the files here (5.3MB):

For that volume, the transform.xfm file looked indeed odd (m22=7.2??):

1.39488649    0.08332049    0.01164643    3.51684260
 -0.14383204    7.20834160   -2.21084833   11.16247082
 -0.16614650    1.02134335    1.85208952  -45.74753189

Using flirt (flirt -in 20070404.nii -ref MNI152_T1_1mm -out
20070404trans.nii -omat 20070404trans.mat -bins 256 -cost corratio
-searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -dof 12  -interp
trilinear), the transformation was:

1.05366  -0.050378  0.0606504  4.05766
0.0446432  1.09476  0.1321  -28.652
-0.058117  -0.180136  1.09158  31.7066
0  0  0  1

The voxel size of the volume is 1.17x1.17x1.2, so it shouldn't be a
problem of resolution.

When I converted the volume to mgz (mri_convert 20070404.nii
mri/orig/001.mgz), the orientation was wrong; but changing it using
the Volume Tools in tkmedit did not alter the outcome...

Finally, I also used the --notal-check switch in recon-all, but then
the script failed before completing skull stripping...

thank you very much in advance for your help!


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