Hello Bruce,

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried to follow your suggestions, there
still seems to be some errors. Hence I am sending you the subject
directory, at:


When trying to visualize the defect locations, this is what happened.
I also tired running the mris_topo_fixer, but it was complaining that
there is no lh.qshere.


$ 5:10pm ilpc11: scanner_differences >> tksurfer FirstOrderPoly lh
surfer: current subjects dir: /ensc/grad1/pkr1/UNSW/scanner_differences
surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: Reading header info from
surfer: vertices=105340, faces=211208
Loading /ensc/IMAGE_MAIN/SOFTWARE/x86_64/freesurfer/surface_labels.txt
surfer: ### redraw failed: no gl window open
surfer: single buffered window
surfer: using interface
Reading /ensc/IMAGE_MAIN/SOFTWARE/x86_64/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
Reading /ensc/IMAGE_MAIN/SOFTWARE/x86_64/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Reading /ensc/IMAGE_MAIN/SOFTWARE/x86_64/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
Reading /ensc/IMAGE_MAIN/SOFTWARE/x86_64/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
reading white matter vertex locations...
MRISreadVertexPosition(white): could not open file
No such file or directory
% alloc: invalid block: 0x13e04e70: 0 0 65


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Pradeep,
> sounds like a bug. Can you overlay the surface defect segmentations and see
> what defect #3 is? If you edit it a bit this will probably go away. If you
> tar and gzip the subject dir and send it to us we'll take a look You can
> also try the alternative (newer) topology correction and see if it works
> properly. Look at the recon-all help for how to run it
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 2 Mar 2009, Pradeep Reddy Ramana wrote:
>> Hello FS Team,
>> I had a question recently regarding an error encountered in the
>> freesurfer recon-all. I believe error is the result of:
>> mris_fix_topology -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga FirstOrderPoly lh
>> CORRECTING DEFECT 3 (vertices=10731, convex hull=2557)
>> normal vector of length zero at vertex 90051 with 0 faces
>> vertex 90051 has 0 face
>> No such file or directory
>> recon-all exited with ERRORS
>> I will appreciate very much if you can suggest a possible fix or a
>> rerun with some set of flags etc.
>> The partial log and a previous post by somebody else is here:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg09492.html
>> Thanks,
>> Pradeep

Pradeep Kumar Reddy. Raamana
PhD Student - Biomedical Engg.
Medical Image Analysis Lab,
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby BC - V5A1S6 - Canada.
Work   : +1 778 782 5509

"What is written without effort is, in general, read without
pleasure." - Samuel Johnson
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