2009/4/23 < marina.lo...@crccorp.es >Hi Pedro Paulo,I tried to use your script (qdec-coord) to extract individual thickness data from my plot in qdec, but I have a couple of questions:- I found the output from the instruction in a file called lh.l.asc in my working directory (.../qdec/FolderOfTheSpecificAnalysis).This file contains 160000 rows approx and 5 columns. I suppose the first column is the vertex number, but I am not sure about which value is represented in each column. What are them, please?It's VertexNum, X, Y, Z, valVal depends on what you ran on QDEC. If you did a thickness experiment it's tickness.- I have tried different numbers in set numsubject but I have always recieved the same output. I need to have the thickness values in the plot (1 cortical thickness value for each of 50 subjects). I am sure I am missing something. Could you please help me?What you mean by same output?I think you should plot the "val" for the same X,Y,Z coordsThanks a lot for that!! and sorry for my basic questionsPara: " marina.lo...@crccorp.es " < marina.lo...@crccorp.es >Asunto: RES: [Freesurfer] Individual thickness data extraction from plot
De: "Pedro Paulo de Magalhaes Oliveira Junior" < p...@netfilter.com.br >
Enviado por: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fecha: 22/04/2009 11:08
cc: Freesurfer Mailing List < freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu >Check the User contribution section of the FreeSurfer wiki. I've put there a small script to do this.
Sent from my Nokia phone @E71
-----Msg original-----
De: marina.lo...@crccorp.es
Enviada: 22/04/2009 05:43:39
Assunto: [Freesurfer] Individual thickness data extraction from plot
Hello all,
I have the following plot of thickness value in a specific vertex for all my subjects:
My single question is: how can I take the data list of y-values (vertex thickness for all subjects) in this plot in an automatic manner (and have them in a table)? I have to extract thickness values of a lot of vertices and a quick manner will help me a lot.
Thank you very much for your help,
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