Actually, I have also been looking for cortical thickness normative values. We have run our first few research subjects with FreeSurfer (a normal control and several patients with neurodegenerative disorders), and I wanted to see if the thickness values we're getting are in the normal range. I have two papers: Salat et al. (2004) and Fischl & Dale (2000) in Cerebral Cortex. The Fischl and Dale gives average thickness for gyral and sulcal regions. Am I correct to guess that the average gyral and sulcal regions are taken by averaging the individual gyral and sulcal units from the aparc.a2005s.stats files? The Salat et al. article gives a global thickness measure--I was wondering how I would calculate this?

Also, if thickness values are available for individual parcellation units and/or whole lobes, that would be very helpful as well. In particular, the lobes would be helpful, as well as ROIs most relevant for AD (e.g. entorhinal cortex and temporal pole [Desikan et al., 2009]).



Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 08:54:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Literature values for cortical thickness
To: "Bruce Fischl" <>
Cc:, Falk L?sebrink
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1

Hi Falk,

We do indeed have cortical thickness values for each of the parcellation
units for a range of subjects (healthly elderly, middle age and young
controls and Alzheimer's disease subjects). Which parcellation units are
you looking for? A whole lobe?



> Hi Falk,
> we published some values in our Cerebral Cortex paper , but I suspect the
> effective thickness will vary a bit as a function of pulse sequence, and
> certainly it will vary with things like age. Rahul has probably tabulated
> by parcellation unit if that helps.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed, 13 May
> 2009, Falk Lüsebrink wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As I don’t do a study in which I compare a group of subjects with some
>> kind
>> of abnormality with a control group I was looking for literature values
>> for
>> cortical thickness. The only paper I found which was written by von
>> Economo
>> et al. in 1925 doing a post-mortem analysis.
>> Are there any more recent sources available which maybe even cover
>> in-vivo
>> values for regional cortical thickness? Actually I’m looking for average
>> values across the whole lobes.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Falk


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