Hello -

I am trying to compare normalized segmentation stats across groups.   We are 
adding control points to the white matter in an attempt to push out the pial 
surfaces when it appears grey matter has been clipped or cut short.    I am 
loading the following:

tkmedit [SubjectID] brainmask.mgz lh.white -aux wm.mgz -aux-surface rh.white.

The CPs are being saved, and after running autorecon-all the CPs are referenced 
in the recon-all.log file - however the pial surfaces are not redrawn around 
the control points.

Should the white matter CPs force new pial surfaces?   Am I missing a step in 

I checked the archive for the last year without luck - so I apologize if this 
is a repeat question.

Thanks much for your help -

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