So if the stats file in the tpN.long.base is empty then something went wrong 
when I ran the longitudinal stream?
I checked the stats file and nothing was in there.

On 9/30/09 2:49 PM, "Martin Reuter" <> wrote:

Hi Brian,

after the longitudinal runs are through you have directories
tpN.long.base for each timepoint per subject. These contain the same
structure as the cross sectionally processed results, however the values
(e.g. thickness, volume etc. in the stat files) should be more

You can compare these results between timepoints in the same way you
would do that without the longitudinal stream. You just need to take the
more accurate information in the .long. directories instead.

Best, Martin

On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 14:59 -0400, Weisinger, Brian (NIH/OD) [E] wrote:
> I have run the longitudinal stream on the scans I need, but now I am not sure 
> what to use to compare the differences.
>  If someone could clarify this for me I would really appreciate it.
> Thanks
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