Posted on behalf of a colleague:


Saint Louis University, is a Jesuit, Catholic university dedicated to teaching, research, health care and community service and is seeking a scientist at an open rank level for a non-tenure track, grant-funded faculty position in the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery at St. Louis University School of Medicine.

The successful candidate will head the Division’s imaging research using the installed 275 channel magnetoencephalography (MEG) system and 3 Tesla MRI and manage a multimillion dollar research grant funded by the Department of Defense. This project will span 4 years and study traumatic brain injury in combat veterans using MEG, positron emission tomography (PET/CT) and functional MRI with diffusion tensor imaging (fMRI with DTI). ). A team of research staff members has been assembled to perform the study assisted by graduate and post-graduate students assigned to the project. The ideal candidate would hold a Ph.D. in any of the following areas: biomedical engineering, physiology, experimental/cognitive psychology, neuroscience, MEG, or other applicable disciplines. Candidates should be familiar with standard computational software packages for neuro-imaging such as Curry, Unix, MatLab, Slicer, and C/C++, and have at least five (5) years of clinical research experience, preferably in the neurosciences. Previous experience in neurological functional imaging is expected. Preferred candidates will have proficiency in epidemiology, biostatistics, registration techniques using deformable templates to create standardized atlases, and training/certification in clinical research. Salary will be commensurate with academic credentials and experience. Candidates will be expected to apply and obtain funding from external agencies to continue the work of the Division within the area of neuroimaging using the installed base of equipment.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, application, relevant reprints, and current curriculum vitae to http:// An initial letter of interest describing current research interests and future research goals should be sent along with a curriculum vitae to:

Richard Bucholz, MD, FACS

Director and Professor, Division of Neurosurgery

Department of Surgery

Saint Louis University

3635 Vista Ave.

St. Louis, MO  63110-0250

Phone: 314-577-8795


Saint Louis University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and encourages nominations and applications of women and minorities.
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