It is difficult to tell from one slice and one view what is going on but 
in general you can only get the pial boundary to extend more by extending 
the wm boundary (but of course, only where there is actual wm). The pial 
boundary grows out from the wm boundary so if the wm boundary is 
incorrect, the pial boundary may also be. From this one slice, that 
doesn't look like the problem but perhaps if you look at other slices, 
that could be an issue.

If the pial boundary is correct in all other slices surrounding this one, 
then it is probably not a problem.


On Wed, 4 Nov 2009, Gonzalo Rojas wrote:

> Hi:
>  How can I correct a pial boundary error such as that appears in the image 
> ?...
>  Sincerely,
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