Hello FreeSurfers,

recon-all -make is working now, but it's taking as long as it did the first
time I ran it.  I originally ran "recon-all -s cb -i CB_anat+org.BRIK -i
CB_anat2+orig.BRIK -all" (for example) back in May and haven't messed with
the results except for generating some label files with
mri_annotation2label.  I deleted the original BRIKs, but I don't see why
that would matter in this case since the orig.mgz files are still there.  Is
it taking so long because so much has changed between 4.3 and 4.5, or is
something wrong?


Alessandro D. Gagliardi
Ph.D. Candidate
Integrative Neuroscience Program
Rutgers University Mind Brain Analysis

P.S. To generate a2009s annotations files for fsaverage, do I just run
"recon-all -s fsaverage -make all"?

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:

> Hi Alessandro,
> usually that means that the smoothwm is out of date with the sphere.reg.
> You can run mris_euler_number on both to make sure they have the same number
> of vertices, faces and edges. Or you can just run
> recon-all -s $subject -make all
> which will rebuild things if it needs to
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