
Let me be the first to say thank you for saving me massive amounts of 
simulation time. One bug though: the right hemisphere files say they 
were created using the left hemisphere, and mri_surfcluster rejects 
them. Would it be verboten to just alter the csd files, or do you have 
versions that were created off of fsaverage's right hemisphere?

matacao:mult-comp-cor porterj$ head 
# simtype null-z
# anattype surface  fsaverage lh
# FixGroupSubjectArea 1
# merged      0
# contrast    NA
# seed        1271355821
# thresh      3.300000
# threshsign  0.000000
# searchspace 74490.928733
# nullfwhm    19.000000

Jim Porter, M.A.
Graduate Student
Clinical Science&  Psychopathology Research
University of Minnesota

On 7/22/64 1:59 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> 1. Correct on both counts. When I wrote the simulation, I was only 
> trying to replicate the random fields analysis. But with a simulation, 
> you have more freedom that I am not yet exploiting.
> 2. This is what we are already doing with mc-z
> 3. I'm working on this as well. It turns out that the random fields 
> approximation works a lot better when using the number of vertices.
> Also, I've run mc-z simulations under a bunch of thresholding and FWHM 
> conditions for whole-hemisphere cortex labels. These will be 
> integrated in new version of  FS, but I've put them here 
> as well. There's a README file in there. This will make running your 
> own time-consuming simulations unnecessary (when using the cortex mask 
> at least).
> doug
> Anthony Dick wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am interested in using the mri_glmfit simulation to control for 
>> multiple comparisons in data I have run on the surface in AFNI. 
>> Before doing this, I have a few questions:
>> 1. What does the simulation with the mc-z flag do, exactly? It claims 
>> to be comparable to AFNI's AlphaSim, but it takes a maximum cluster 
>> area for each iteration, which is not exactly what AlphaSim does. 
>> Here is my guess:
>> Given a surface, a given smoothness of the data, and a given 
>> per-vertex threshold, for each iteration the simulation populates 
>> that surface with random data taken from a normal distribution, 
>> thresholds the data, and applies the smoothness of the actual data 
>> (supplied as an input parameter). It then computes the maximum 
>> cluster size in area for that "image". Doing this n iterations gives 
>> a distribution of maximum cluster sizes that occur for random data of 
>> a given smoothness, and taking cluster sizes above a certain 
>> percentile rank controls for the FWE at a level equal to that 
>> percentile rank (e.g., 95th% controls for FWE = .05). AlphaSim does 
>> something similar, although instead of taking maximum cluster sizes 
>> at each iteration it computes all given cluster sizes. AlphaSim also 
>> allows for different cluster connectivity radius, but it seems 
>> Freesurfer computes only for neighboring vertices. All in all, if 
>> this is correct, it seems like a good implementation.
>> 2. It is my understanding that one could bypass running the glm in 
>> Freesurfer and only compute the simulation, as the simulation only 
>> needs information about the surface, and the smoothness of the data 
>> (which are supplied by the user). To do so, you have to "fake out" 
>> Freesurfer to bypass glm, but that turns out to be pretty painless.
>> 3. In a future distribution, is it possible to modify this procedure 
>> to also output maximum cluster sizes in terms of number of nodes, 
>> rather than area?
>> Can you please let me know if I am mistaken in any of these 
>> assumptions? Thanks in advance.
>> Anthony
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