Doug, thanks
So, is this a correct sequence:

Im extracting thickness measures from VBM contrasts generated by FSL VBM
analysis (this is 2X2X2):
1. To convert VBM contrast file to a binary mask:
mri_binarize --i vbmcontrast.nii.gz --o vbmmask.nii --min 0.95 --max 1 (for
fsl vbm generated corrp maps, where values are stored as 1-p, min 0.95
identifies all voxels with p less than 0.05)
2. to check if this mask lies in appropriate place on fsaverage image:
tkmedit -f fsaverage/mri/T1.mgz -overlay vbmmask.nii -fthresh 0.5
3. to register groupaverage  with fsaverage
fslregister --s fsaverage --mov groupaverage/mri/T1.mgz --reg threshreg.dat
4. to view it on the fsaverage  volume
tkmedit fsaverage T1.mgz -overlay vbmmask.nii  -overlay-reg threshreg.dat
fthresh 0.5 -surface lh.white -aux-surface rh.white
5. to map it on the fsaverage SURFACE
mri_vol2surf  --mov $SUBJECTS_DIR/vbmmask.nii --reg
$SUBJECTS_DIR/threshreg.dat --projdist-max 0 1 0.1 --interp nearest --hemi
lh --out lh.fsaverage.masked.mgh  --reshape
6. to view it  on the surface

tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -overlay lh.fsaverage.masked.mgh  -fthresh 1

But I am seeing the surface projections on completely different regions than
when using FSL templates to view the VBM contrast


On 20/08/2010 20:41, "Douglas N Greve" <> wrote:

> You'll have to sample that mask onto the surface using mri_vol2surf with
> the --interp nearest option. You will also have to have a registration
> matrix, which will depend on where the volume came from.
> doug
> Lena Palaniyappan wrote:
>> I have a mask file which I need to overlay on the individual images of
>> a group of subjects to extract thickness values within ht mask. But
>> the mask is of dimension 2X2X2, will this be an issue?
>> Thanks
>> Lena
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>> *Lena Palaniyappan
>> *Clinical Lecturer & Honorary StR | Division of Psychiatry (
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Lena Palaniyappan 
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