Currently, it is not as convenient to do this with version 5. You have 
to create a condition-vs-fixation for each condition that you want a 
time course for. Then for each condition, you need to run 
funcroi-table-sess for each time point (using the -frame option), then 
construct the waveforms from these files. It's a bit of a hassle, but 


Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using : freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v5.0.0
> I'd like to plot HDR for each condition for each subject.
> With FreeSurfer v4.5.0, I did so with func2roi-sess and roisummary-sess.
> With v5.0, those commands do not seem to work.
> I could get a table with:
>> funcroi-config -analysis VMfwhm5lh -label lh_DLPFC -roi 
>> lh.DLPFC.roicfg -contrast all_null -sign abs -thresh 1 -force
>> funcroi-sess -roi lh.DLPFC.roicfg -df sessdirfile -s VM20
>> funcroi-table-sess -o 
>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/VM/VMan/ROIs/lh_DLPFC/lh_DLPFC_VM20.txt
>> -roi lh.DLPFC.roicfg -df sessdirfile -s VM20 -a VMfwhm5lh -c all_null
> However, what I want is BOLD values in each time point for all conditions.
> funcroi-table-sess fails if I do not specify a contrast.
>> funcroi-config -analysis VMfwhm5lh -label lh_DLPFC -roi 
>> lh.DLPFC.roicfg -force
>> funcroi-sess -roi lh.DLPFC.roicfg -df sessdirfile -s VM20
>> funcroi-table-sess -o 
>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/VM/VMan/ROIs/lh_DLPFC/lh_DLPFC_VM20.txt
>> -roi lh.DLPFC.roicfg -df sessdirfile -s VM20 -a VMfwhm5lh 
> ERROR: must specify a contrast
> Is there a command that gives me values, not a table?
> Thank you,
> Yuko
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MGH-NMR Center
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