Hi all,

(-------- freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v4.5.0 --------)

I created sequences for event-related design, using optseq2.
optseq2 --ntp 150 --tr 2 --psdwin 0 20 1 --ev TG1 2 22 --ev IG1 2 22 --ev CNT 2 
22 --ev TGIG 2 22 --ev TGCN 2 22 --nsearch 2000 --focb nCB10pt --nkeep 15 --o MO

Then, I did:
preproc-sess -df sessdirfile -s MO01B -fwhm 5 -fsd bold
mkanalysis-sess -analysis fmcsm5TER1 -TR 2 -paradigm para.para -designtype 
event-related -funcstem fmcsm5 -motioncor -runlistfile runfile6 -inorm -polyfit 
2 -mcextreg -nconditions 5 -timewindow 20 -prestim 4 -TER 1 -autostimdur -force
mkcontrast-sess -analysis fmcsm5TER1 -contrast AllNull -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4 -a 5 
-c 0
selxavg3-sess -s MO01B -df sessdirfile -analysis fmcsm5TER1 -overwrite

-TER in mkanalysis-sess doesn't seem to be working correct (see the right 
picture in the link). 
when I set -TER for mkanalysis-sess to be 2, the plot looks fine (see the left 
picture in the link).

Does this mean the sequence I used wasn't good for -TER=1? Or is there a way to 
make the plot right?


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