For instructions I used the link FS Tutorial/SkullStripFix on

The files that appeared in the subject mri directory were COR-info and
COR-001, COR-002 ... COR-256.  I assumed that these refer to the number of
segments in the 3D MRI volume that was acquired in the coronal direction.

On 2/1/11 2:02 PM, "Nick Schmansky" <> wrote:

> and what wiki page were you following?  (some of our wiki pages are no
> longer used but still exist on the site)
> On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 15:59 -0500, Allison Stevens wrote:
>> I'm not actually sure. What are the files that appeared there?
>> On Tue, 1 Feb 2011, Cheryl McCreary wrote:
>>> Hi Allison,
>>> Is there a way into incorporate these files into the brainmask without
>>> having to redo the edits?  I processed a number of subjects this way, using
>>> 'save main volume as' as directed in the recommended recon workflow.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Cheryl
>>> On 1/31/11 7:05 PM, "Allison Stevens" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Cheryl,
>>>> 1) Yes, just use save not save as
>>>> 2) this information is already generated and can be found in the
>>>> aseg.stats in each subject's stats dir. Some of the information is at the
>>>> top of that file.
>>>> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Cheryl McCreary wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm new  to Freesurfer and am trying to process some data for the first
>>>>> time.  I have two questions:
>>>>> 1.  I have done some manual editing of the brainmask for skullstripping,
>>>>> saving the edits using 'Save As' and the default names. This seems to
>>>>> create
>>>>> a new group of files separate from the brianmask, in the mri subdirectory.
>>>>> Are these edits incorporated in the brainmask when autorecon2 and
>>>>> autorecon3
>>>>> are run?  I ask because the pial surfaces viewed using tkmedit after
>>>>> processing is complete often extends into the dura and unstripped skull
>>>>> that
>>>>> remains visible on the brainmask, even though it was removed in manual
>>>>> editing.  Should I be using 'Save' instead of 'Save as' after editing?
>>>>> 2.  For then initial analysis of my data, I would like to create a table
>>>>> of
>>>>> intracranial volume, brain parenchymal volume, gray matter volume and
>>>>> white
>>>>> matter volume.  I've tries using the following command line:
>>>>>    mri_segstats --sum TableFileName.sum
>>>>>                  --pv $SUBJECTS_DIR/Subject/mri/norm.mgz
>>>>>                  --ctab-default
>>>>>                  --surf-ctxgmwm
>>>>>                  --etiv $SUBJECTS_DIR/Subject/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm
>>>>> However, this fails with the error:  unknown option --surf-ctxgmwm.
>>>>> What have I missed?  Can you recommend another way to get this
>>>>> information?
>>>>> I have also tried asegstats2table as well, but intracranial volume was not
>>>>> included in the table.
>>>>> Thank you for any assistance or suggestions.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Cheryl
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Cheryl McCreary, PhD
Research Scientist
Seaman Family MR Research Centre
Foothills Medical Centre
1403 29th Street NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 2T9
Phone: (403) 944-8781
FAX: (403) 270-7907

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