
I'm trying to get this ROI drawn on a brain surface.


To do this, I first ran a script (of the form)[1]:

mri_cor2label --i ~/roi.nii --l ~/roi.label --id 1

Then opened the new roi.label file in tksurfer:

:~$ tksurfer s01 lh orig

The ROI seemed very small and in the wrong place:

(the purple labelled areas are sulci contours)

I'm guessing some form of registration went wrong. I tried to first  
convert it to .nii/.tgh but using the -rl option of mri_convert:

:~$ mri_convert -rl ~/fs_subjects/s01/mri/T1.mgz -rt nearest   
~/mainpref_mask_1_3.nii ~/test_mask.mgh

This still looked ok, when I checked the ROI.

I tried mri_cor2label again, but found the region was still in the  
wrong place.

I figured I needed to give it more info about the surface that it's to  
be drawn on, so I tried:
:~$ mri_cor2label --i ~/test_mask.mgh --l ~/test_mask.label --id 1  
--surf s01 lh
$Id: mri_cor2label.c,v 2009/02/20 16:37:50 greve Exp $
Loading mri /home/s0783410/test_mask.mgh
Loading /home/s0783410/fs_subjects/s01/surf/lh.white
ERROR: dim mismatch between surface (127260) and input (16777216)

but that didn't seem to work.

To see what might be going on, I tried out the whole thing on V1,  
which I got segmented by the v1_segment function I asked about in my  
last email. The output seemed reasonable:


and I was able to get it to a nice ROI in a nii file (thanks doug!):


and I got the nii file back to a surface using:

:~$ mri_cor2label --i ~/imageA.nii --l ~/imageA.label --id 1

Then viewing it in:

:~$ tksurfer s01 lh orig
(and loading the imageA.label file).

Which is a little odd:
(although it seems to be lined up properly, it has a little extra  
region selected in the Lingual(?) Gyrus).

I thought the difference might be because the V1 ROI came from the  
original T1 image used by freesurfer, while the ROI I'm trying to use  
is from a functional image. However, to check, I coregistered  
(resliced) the function ROI to the original anatomical image, but this  
didn't seem to make any different.

Any suggestions or ideas about where I should be looking? This is I  
guess one of the most common tasks people use freesurfer for, so I  
guess I just need to look in the right place for help.

Thanks for the help!


[1] Actual output:
s0783410@spatial2:~$ mri_cor2label --i ~/mainpref_mask_1_3.nii --l  
~/mainpref_mask_1_3.label --id 1
$Id: mri_cor2label.c,v 2009/02/20 16:37:50 greve Exp $
Loading mri /home/s0783410/mainpref_mask_1_3.nii
------- Vox2RAS of input volume -----------
-1.719   0.000   0.000   110.003;
  0.000   0.000   2.400  -30.001;
  0.000  -1.719   0.000   110.003;
  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Scanning the volume
Found 473 label voxels
Writing label file /home/s0783410/mainpref_mask_1_3.label
LabelWrite: saving to /home/s0783410/mainpref_mask_1_3.label
Centroid:  -0.91   -6.49   54.15
mri_cor2label completed SUCCESSFULLY

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