Don't use --thmax.

Fernanda Palhano wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running a cortical thickness analysis using Qdec. When I do Find 
> Clusters and Go to Max, I obtain 9 clusters (min threshold 3, max 
> threshold 5):
> ============================================================
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 3...
> Found 9 clusters
> Contrast: 'lh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness', 10fwhm, DOF: 30
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- ----- ----------
>     1    8.8371   89238      5.07   -28.2   12.0  -14.5   16  insula
>     2   -5.3729   64233    428.45   -35.4   50.5   -8.5  583  
> parsorbitalis
>     3   -5.1786   73273    192.98    -8.0   46.4  -13.0  292  
> medialorbitofrontal
>     4   -3.8763  121706     38.22   -19.6   61.0    1.5   53  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>     5   -3.8612   93042     93.07   -23.8   40.2  -11.0  153  
> lateralorbitofrontal
>     6   -3.5732   14941     41.60    -7.0   41.1  -22.2   79  
> medialorbitofrontal
>     7    3.3511  160348      0.34   -30.3   10.7  -14.1    1  insula
>     8    3.3502  111085     31.96   -33.8  -13.2   -4.6   68  insula
>     9   -3.2412   99299     19.05   -34.6   47.2   18.4   26  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
> ============================================================
> Why when using the command line mri_surfcluster with the same 
> thresholds I do not have the same results (same clusters)?
> # Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)
> # $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 1.48 2010/04/12 17:36:58 greve Exp $
> # $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.678 2010/05/28 21:22:21 rpwang Exp $
> # CreationTime 2011/05/02-19:07:52-GMT
> # cmdline mri_surfcluster --in 
> qdec/lh_g1_g2/lh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh 
> --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --thmin 3 --thmax 5 --sign abs --annot 
> aparc --sum summary_3_5 --olab lh_g1_g2
> # cwd /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/dados
> # sysname  Darwin
> # hostname Fernanda-Palhanos-Mac-Pro.local
> # machine  i386
> # FixVertexAreaFlag 1
> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
> #
> # Input      
> qdec/lh_g1_g2/lh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh
> # Frame Number      0
> # srcsubj fsaverage
> # hemi lh
> # surface white
> # annot aparc
> # SUBJECTS_DIR /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/dados
> # Minimum Threshold 3
> # Maximum Threshold 5
> # Threshold Sign    abs
> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
> # Area Threshold    0 mm^2
> # Overall max 8.83713 at vertex 89238
> # Overall min -5.37286 at vertex 64233
> # NClusters          12
> # Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)
> # FixMNI = 1
> #
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    NVtxs   
> Annot
>    1       -4.995   29209    398.78    -33.5   48.6  -10.8   548  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>    2       -4.995   16744    185.39     -8.3   45.3  -12.5   283  
> medialorbitofrontal
>    3        4.914   28205      0.34    -28.4   11.8  -11.8     1  insula
>    4        4.850   22061      2.37    -26.8    9.7  -13.8     8  insula
>    5        4.512   52766      0.38    -29.8   11.0  -11.4     1  insula
>    6       -3.876  121706     38.22    -19.4   59.1   -1.6    53  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>    7       -3.861   93042     93.07    -23.5   38.5  -11.2   153  
> lateralorbitofrontal
>    8        3.691   89239      0.68    -27.5   11.7  -12.5     2  insula
>    9       -3.573   14941     41.60     -7.0   38.8  -20.6    79  
> medialorbitofrontal
>   10        3.351  160348      0.34    -29.9    9.7  -12.3     1  insula
>   11        3.350  111085     31.96    -33.5  -12.9   -3.2    68  insula
>   12       -3.241   99299     19.05    -34.2   46.6   14.7    26  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
> In the right hemisphere I have the same problem:      
> ============================================================
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 3...
> Found 6 clusters
> Contrast: 'rh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness', 10fwhm, DOF: 30
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- ----- ----------
>     1   16.5175   22102      2.89    33.5   10.7  -13.0    7  insula
>     2    6.0843  160464      1.08    30.8   13.1  -13.1    3  insula
>     3   -5.9997   62430      1.08    36.1    3.3  -19.1    3  insula
>     4   -3.3483   60593     24.75    35.9   55.5   -7.6   36  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>     5    3.2156   23631     10.78    19.8  -65.1    1.5   15  lingual
>     6    3.1968  120630      0.28    29.1   11.5  -15.8    1  insula
> ============================================================
> cmdline mri_surfcluster --in 
> qdec/rh_g1_g2/rh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh 
> --subject fsaverage --hemi rh --thmin 3 --thmax 5 --sign abs --annot 
> aparc --sum rh_summary_3_5 --olab rh_g1_g2
> # cwd /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/dados
> # sysname  Darwin
> # hostname Fernanda-Palhanos-Mac-Pro.local
> # machine  i386
> # FixVertexAreaFlag 1
> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
> #
> # Input      
> qdec/rh_g1_g2/rh-Diff-grupo1-grupo2-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh
> # Frame Number      0
> # srcsubj fsaverage
> # hemi rh
> # surface white
> # annot aparc
> # SUBJECTS_DIR /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/dados
> # Minimum Threshold 3
> # Maximum Threshold 5
> # Threshold Sign    abs
> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
> # Area Threshold    0 mm^2
> # Overall max 16.5175 at vertex 22102
> # Overall min -5.99973 at vertex 62430
> # NClusters          6
> # Total Cortical Surface Area 65020.8 (mm^2)
> # FixMNI = 1
> #
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    NVtxs   
> Annot
>    1        3.386  130519      0.70     29.7   12.4  -12.0     2  insula
>    2       -3.348   60593     24.75     35.5   53.5   -9.1    36  
> rostralmiddlefrontal
>    3       -3.245   28242      0.36     35.3    2.9  -15.6     1  insula
>    4        3.216   23631     10.78     19.6  -63.0    4.6    15  lingual
>    5        3.197  120630      0.28     28.8   10.4  -13.8     1  insula
>    6        3.067   89363      0.38     34.3    7.1  -12.2     1  insula
> Am I doing something wrong? I want to use the command line to generate 
> the labels for each cluster found.
> Thanks in advance,
> Fernanda
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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