Did the data set change between the two analyses? The

KingLab wrote:
> Hello Doug-
> In going through the threads for freesurfer, I found the following which also 
> describes the issue I am having. However, the error arises for me while 
> running a collection of brains through qdec, so I have not been running the 
> script directly in order to simply add the --no-prune tag.  I am running the 
> qdec analysis on new measurements created specifically for analysis in our 
> lab.  Someone prior to me set up everything for the qdec analysis to work 
> fine with another database, and was halfway through another brain database 
> when I picked up.  For this database, the prior person completed the 
> measurement entitled middle30.asc, which works fine.  When using the same 
> .dat file for the database, and the only difference is using the measure of 
> middle45.asc, no data is mapped to the brains.  In looking through the code, 
> the same error appeared to happen in the mri_glmfit command in the same 
> place.  -qcache has been run for all of the brains for the new measurement, 
> and the middle30.asc files appear similar in structure to the middle45.asc 
> files, as would be expected.  Why would it be pruning the one measurement and 
> not the other?  Where can I look to solve the issue to run the data in qdec 
> to compare the measurements?  If I just run mri_glmfit with --no-prune, will 
> qdec read it in without overwriting it automatically?  I have a feeling I 
> missed something in preparing the new region that the person I took over for 
> has done for the other measurements, but I'm not sure what it is or where to 
> look for it.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!
> Below I have included the output for both measurements.  The codes appear 
> identical up until after the pruning command comes about which provides 0 
> voxels.
>  middle30.asc 
> lh-Avg-Intercept-middle30.asc -----------------------
> Does the average middle30.asc differ from zero?
>  1.000   1.000;
> lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle30.asc -----------------------
> Does the average middle30.asc differ between Normal and AD?
>  1.000  -1.000;
> ninputs = 188
> Checking inputs
> nframestot = 188
> Allocing output
> nframes = 188
> Writing to /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> gdfReadHeader: reading 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd
> INFO: demeaning continous variables
> Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
> Class Means of each Continuous Variable
> 1 Diagnosis2Normal
> 2 Diagnosis2AD
> INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
> Reading source surface 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh
> Number of vertices 163842
> Number of faces    327680
> Total area         65416.648438
> AvgVtxArea       0.399267
> AvgVtxDist       0.721953
> StdVtxDist       0.195470
> $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2009/06/03 00:06:45 greve Exp $
> cwd /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed
> cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh --fsgd 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd dods 
> --glmdir /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled --surf 
> fsaverage lh --label 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label 
> --C 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Avg-Intercept-middle30.asc.mat
> --C 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle30.asc.mat
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname b417w74-106.med.utah.edu
> machine  i386
> user     kinglab
> FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
> UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
> OneSampleGroupMean 0
> y    /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> logyflag 0
> usedti  0
> FSGD /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd
> labelmask  
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label
> maskinv 0
> glmdir /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled
> IllCondOK 0
> DoFFx 0
> Creating output directory 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled
> Loading y from /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
> Saving design matrix to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/Xg.dat
> Matrix condition is 1
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label
> Found 149955 points in label.
> Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
> Found 149953 voxels in mask
> Saving mask to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/mask.mgh
> search space = 75250.1
> DOF = 186
> Starting fit and test
> Fit completed in 0.0740167 minutes
> Computing spatial AR1 on surface
> INFO: fwhmFromAR1: Fixing group surface area
> Residual: ar1mn=0.998860, ar1std=0.000986, gstd=11.981826, fwhm=28.215043
> Writing results
>   lh-Avg-Intercept-middle30.asc
>     maxvox sig=1e+10  F=86188.1  at  index 0 0 0    seed=1324082303
>   lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle30.asc
>     maxvox sig=9.81891  F=46.013  at  index 70329 0 0    seed=1324082303
> mri_glmfit done
> ninputs = 2
> Checking inputs
> nframestot = 2
> Allocing output
> nframes = 2
> Writing to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts.sig.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 1041 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.pial.avg.area.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> reading colortable from annotation file...
> colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
> /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt)
> reading colortable from annotation file...
> colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
> /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt)
> gdfReadHeader: reading 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.fsgd
> INFO: ignoring tag Creator
> INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR
> INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed
> INFO: demeaning continous variables
> Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
> Class Means of each Continuous Variable
> 1 Diagnosis2Normal
> 2 Diagnosis2AD
> ============================================================
> Completed loading of analyzed data.
>  Middle45.asc 
> lh-Avg-Intercept-middle45.asc -----------------------
> Does the average middle45.asc differ from zero?
>  1.000   1.000;
> lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle45.asc -----------------------
> Does the average middle45.asc differ between Normal and AD?
>  1.000  -1.000;
> ninputs = 188
> Checking inputs
> nframestot = 188
> Allocing output
> nframes = 188
> Writing to /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> gdfReadHeader: reading 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd
> INFO: demeaning continous variables
> Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
> Class Means of each Continuous Variable
> 1 Diagnosis2Normal
> 2 Diagnosis2AD
> INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
> Reading source surface 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh
> Number of vertices 163842
> Number of faces    327680
> Total area         65416.648438
> AvgVtxArea       0.399267
> AvgVtxDist       0.721953
> StdVtxDist       0.195470
> $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2009/06/03 00:06:45 greve Exp $
> cwd /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed
> cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh --fsgd 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd dods 
> --glmdir /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled --surf 
> fsaverage lh --label 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label 
> --C 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Avg-Intercept-middle45.asc.mat
> --C 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle45.asc.mat
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname b417w74-106.med.utah.edu
> machine  i386
> user     kinglab
> FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
> UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
> OneSampleGroupMean 0
> y    /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> logyflag 0
> usedti  0
> FSGD /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd
> labelmask  
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label
> maskinv 0
> glmdir /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled
> IllCondOK 0
> DoFFx 0
> Creating output directory 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled
> Loading y from /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
> INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
> Saving design matrix to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/Xg.dat
> Matrix condition is 1
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label
> Found 149955 points in label.
> Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
> Found 0 voxels in mask
> Saving mask to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/mask.mgh
> search space = 0
> DOF = 186
> Starting fit and test
> Fit completed in 0.0002 minutes
> Computing spatial AR1 on surface
> INFO: fwhmFromAR1: Fixing group surface area
> WARNING: ar1 = nan <= 0. Setting fwhm to 0.
> Residual: ar1mn=nan, ar1std=nan, gstd=0.000000, fwhm=0.000000
> Writing results
>   lh-Avg-Intercept-middle45.asc
>     maxvox sig=0  F=0  at  index 0 0 0    seed=1323815913
>   lh-Diff-Normal-AD-Intercept-middle45.asc
>     maxvox sig=0  F=0  at  index 0 0 0    seed=1323815913
> mri_glmfit done
> ninputs = 2
> Checking inputs
> nframestot = 2
> Allocing output
> nframes = 2
> Writing to 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/contrasts.sig.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 1041 cm^2 from file
> Reading in average area 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/fsaverage/surf/lh.pial.avg.area.mgh
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> reading colortable from annotation file...
> colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
> /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt)
> reading colortable from annotation file...
> colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
> /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt)
> gdfReadHeader: reading 
> /Volumes/MacintoshHD2/ADNI-PreProcessed/qdec/Untitled/y.fsgd
> INFO: ignoring tag Creator
> INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR
> INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed
> INFO: demeaning continous variables
> Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
> Class Means of each Continuous Variable
> 1 Diagnosis2Normal
> 2 Diagnosis2AD
> ============================================================
> Completed loading of analyzed data.
> Thank you!
> Kyle Hansen
> Research Assistant - AIAL
> University of Utah
> Hi Kevin, the problem is that once you threshold for >0, there are no 
> voxels that have non-zero values in all of the input subjects. Such 
> voxels are "pruned" because there is not a good model for them. The GLM 
> code does not do a different design at each voxels. In general, doing 
> such thresholding is bad statistically. If you really want to do it, run 
> it with --no-prune.
> doug
> kevin bickart wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am conducting a contrast of z (r) maps from 3 seed-based 
> > resting-state networks (e.g., 1 > 2 and 3). To eliminate the influence 
> > of anticorrelations on the contrast results, I thresholded the z (r) 
> > maps at 0 before running mri_glmfit, thereby eliminating voxels with 
> > negative z (r) values. The command completed successfully but the 
> > resulting sig maps did not contain voxels with any values. I have 
> > attached the fsgd and contrast files and pasted the command and output 
> > below. Can anyone identify the problem here?
> > Thanks,
> > Kevin
> >
> > *Potentially problematic portion of output:*
> > Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
> > Found 0 voxels in mask
> > Saving mask to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/mask.mgh
> > search space = 0.000000
> >
> > *Entire command and output: *
> > [kreature:kbickart_fcmap_ASN_Anchor_AmyPks_buckner_YC] 
> > (nmr-stable5.1-env) mri_glmfit --y LR_Amy_lOFCpk2
> > _vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz --allowsubjrep --fsgd 
> > /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/pa
> > ired3.fsgd doss --C 
> > /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired.mat --glmdir 
> > LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
> > gdfReadHeader: reading 
> > /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd
> > INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done.
> > Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
> > 0 roi1_vs_roi2_vs_roi3 0 0.707107
> > Class Means of each Continuous Variable
> > 1 Class_081028_BC77WB   0.0000
> > 2 Class_081028_XE45TK   0.0000
> > 3 Class_081028_YY28TK   0.0000
> > ....
> > $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2011/05/05 20:54:25 greve Exp $
> > cwd 
> > /autofs/cluster/animal/rs-fmri/YC/GROUP_STATS/kbickart/FCMAP/kbickart_fcmap_ASN_Anchor_AmyPks_buckne
> > r_YC
> > cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
> > LR_Amy_lOFCpk2_vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz --allowsubjrep 
> > --fsgd /autof
> > s/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd doss --C 
> > /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired
> > .mat --glmdir LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
> > sysname  Linux
> > hostname kreature
> > machine  x86_64
> > user     kbickart
> > FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
> > UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
> > OneSampleGroupMean 0
> > y    
> > /autofs/cluster/animal/rs-fmri/YC/GROUP_STATS/kbickart/FCMAP/kbickart_fcmap_ASN_Anchor_AmyPks_buckn
> > er_YC/LR_Amy_lOFCpk2_vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz
> > logyflag 0
> > usedti  0
> > FSGD /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd
> > glmdir LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
> > IllCondOK 0
> > ReScaleX 1
> > DoFFx 0
> > Creating output directory LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
> > Loading y from 
> > /autofs/cluster/animal/rs-fmri/YC/GROUP_STATS/kbickart/FCMAP/kbickart_fcmap_ASN_Anchor_Am
> > yPks_buckner_YC/LR_Amy_lOFCpk2_vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz
> > llINFO: gd2mtx_method is doss
> > Saving design matrix to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/Xg.dat
> > Normalized matrix condition is 1
> > Matrix condition is 44.5
> > Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
> > Found 0 voxels in mask
> > Saving mask to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/mask.mgh
> > search space = 0.000000
> > DOF = 177
> > Starting fit and test
> > Fit completed in 0.0148667 minutes
> > Computing spatial AR1 in volume.
> > fMRIspatialAR1(): hit 0 voxels
> > WARNING: no voxels in AR1 computation
> > Residual: ar1mn = (nan,nan,nan) fwhm = (nan,nan,nan) nan
> > Writing results
> >   paired
> >     maxvox sig=0  F=0  at  index 0 0 0    seed=1321328111
> > mri_glmfit done
> >
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > Kevin Bickart
> > MD-PhD Student
> > Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
> > Boston University School of Medicine
> >
> >     
> > live UP to it
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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> > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> -- 
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
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> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
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> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in 
> error
> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and 
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> dispose of the e-mail.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html

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