Dear All,

I am increasingly fascinated by freesurfer.
Here is a rookie issue: I use a source imaging program that is rather
simple-minded in its MRI processing steps. To be able to use the inverse
solution tools of that program, I need to use 2 volumes:
- a head MRI to be used to electrode coregistration
- a skull-stripped brain MR without cerebellum, including both the gray and
white matter; the program needs to perform its own white matter extraction
to generate the gray matter volume to be used as source space.
- both MRs have to be subject to the same transforms, if any, and have to
have the same origin and coordinate systems (like real head/brain pairs).

So first, I am in the search of the "best" brain extraction possible, with
as little dura included as possible. Besides trying to implement Andre's
dura protocols, and editing the pial surface for brainmask.mgz, then
running the rest of the recon-all steps, I need to be able to export in
nii.gz format a volume having its pial surface as calculated by freesurfer.
When exporting brain.finalsurfs.mgz with mri_convert, it looks that the
calculated pial surface as visualized with tkmedit subjid
brain.finalsurfs.mgz -surfs is ignored in the nii.gz file. When the output
nii volume is imported  in programs such as Bioimage Suite, I essentially
see what looks like the outside (surface) brainmask.mgz volume as in
tekmedit but not accounting for the calculated pial surface. How can I
export brain.finalsurfs.mgz with its calculated pial surface as a nii
volume? In other words, I would need a ribbon.mgz type volume to include
the white matter on the inside. I suppose it comes down to adding options
to the mri_convert brain.finalsurfs.mgz step after surfaces have been
generated, but I would need some guidance
Please advise.

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