Hello again,
Don't mean to be a bother.  I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on
what possibly be going wrong during my retinotopic analysis that I posted.
 I'm at quite a loss and would appreciate a look.

Thanks and best,

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Daniel Cole <dcol...@u.rochester.edu>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have some questions regarding the FsFastIndividual pipeline.  I hope you
> can take a look at the commands I have run and give me some insight into
> what the problem might potentially be.  I have 5 rotating wedge stimuli runs
> 1. I set up my subject's directories according to the freesurfer tutorial
> powerpoint and declare my environmental variables using-
> <*export FREESURFER_HOME=/Volumes/RCBI/freesurfer*
> *export SUBJECTS_DIR=/Volumes/rcbiUsers/dcole/Retinotopy*
> *source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh*>
> Bold data renamed to f.nii.gz and placed into run folders (001, 002, etc)
> rtopy.par="
> stimtype polar
> direction neg"
> 2. I then reconstruct the strucutural data using-
> <*recon-all -i /Volumes/rcbiUsers/dcole/Retinotopy/VG01/raw/VGP01_001.dcm
> -subjid VG01*>
> 3. I create the subjectname file, run preprocessing, and make the analysis
> files.
> <*preproc-sess -surface self lhrh -fwhm 5 -sf sessid -fsd bold*
> *mkanalysis-sess -analysis rtopy.self.lh -surface self lh -TR 1.2
> -abblocked 38.4 -fsd bold -fwhm 5*
> *mkanalysis-sess -analysis rtopy.self.rh -surface self rh -TR 1.2
> -abblocked 38.4 -fsd bold -fwhm 5*>
> 4. Then I run the analysis using-
> <*selxavg3-sess -analysis rtopy.self.lh -sf sessid*
> *selxavg3-sess -analysis rtopy.self.lh -sf sessid*>
> ~This step was giving me an error until I added "faux" eccentricity run
> folders with runs 1-5 functional data copied and rtopy.par files with
> stimtype eccen.  Rerunning these 2 steps with the faux eccentricity data
> fixed the error message.
> 5. Create occipital patch with (http://www.alivelearn.net/?p=65) as
> guideline.  Flatten patch using-
> <*mris_flatten -w 0 -distances 20 7 lh.occip.patch.3d lh.occip.patch.flat*
> *mris_flatten -w 0 -distances 20 7 rh.occip.patch.3d rh.occip.patch.flat*>
> And create fieldsign map using-
> <*fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -occip -sf sessid*
> *fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.rh -occip -sf sessid*>
> ~Error that analysis isn't retinotopy (because I used -abblocked),
> retrying step 3 with -retinotopy allowed me to create the fieldsign map.
> ---
> For the -abblocked and -retinotopy analysis I am able to look at the
> results using <*tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -sf sessid*>*.*
> My questions are:
> - Should I be using -abblocked or -retinotopy for a polar only design?
> - Is it ok to create "faux" eccentricity folders and then only look at the
> polar data?
> - Why is it for either of these analyses I can't view the angle map using <
> *tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.?h -s sessid -map angle*>? In fact the angle
> file is not created.
> Thanks so much for your time and help.
> Daniel
> *
> *
> --
> Daniel Cole
> University of Rochester
> Brain and Cognitive Sciences
> dcol...@u.rochester.edu

Daniel Cole
University of Rochester
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
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